Various Artists / Punk Goes Metal
Album: Punk Goes Metal   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Aug 2000
Label:Fearless Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 13, 2024: down in the basement
Why Rock?
2. Sep 15, 2022: Down in the Basement
Why Rock?

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Divit Breakin' the Law
2. Jughead's Revenge Talk Dirty to Me
3. Afi My Michelle
4. Bigwig War Ensemble
5. A Newfound Glory Heaven Isn't So Far Away
6. Strung Out Bark at the Moon
7. Ataris, the I Remember You
8. Link 80 Harvester of Sorrow
9. Guttermouth Sexual Abuse
10. Dynamite Boy Tnt
11. Death By Stereo Little Fighter
12. Swindle Youth Gone Wild
13. Turnedown I Don't Know
14. Diesel Boy Looks that Kill
15. Rx Bandits Holy Wars
16. Ten Foot Pole Love Song
17. Aquabats, the Why Rock?