Various Artists / Whistle Bait
Album: Whistle Bait   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Aug 2000

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Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Collins, Larry Whistle Bait
2. Frizell, Lefty You're Humbuggin' Me
3. Hart, Freddie Snatch It and Grab It
4. Wray, Link Rawhide
5. Horton, Johnny Honky Tonk Hardwood Floor
6. Maddox, Rose Wild Wild Young Men
7. Self, Ronnie Bop-A-Lena
8. Maddox Brothers Ugly and Slouchy
9. Fairburn, Werly Everybody's Rockin'
10. Perkins, Carl Jive After Five
11. Walker, Wayne Bo Bo Ska Diddle Daddle
12. Craddock, Billy "Crash" Ah, Poor Little Baby
13. Collins Kids, the Hoy Hoy
14. Hart, Freddie Dig Boy Dig
15. Maphis, Joe Guitar Rock and Roll
16. Dickens, "Little" Jimmy I Got a Hole in My Pocket
17. Self, Ronnie Big Fool
18. Cash, Johnny All Over Again
19. Hill, Jaycee Romp Stompin' Boogie
20. Murphy, Jimmy Baboon Boogie
21. King, Sid & the Five Strings Good Rockin' Baby
22. Self, Ronnie Rocky Road Blues
23. Perkins, Carl Pink Pedal Pushers
24. Horton, Johnny I'm Coming Home
25. Robbins, Marty Mean Mama Blues