Euphone / Hashin' It Out
Album: Hashin' It Out   Collection:General
Artist:Euphone   Added:Jan 2001
Label:Jade Tree  

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 05, 2015: radio seven
4. Jan 16, 2002: Strange Attractors
Do You Up
2. Oct 08, 2008: Orangeasm
My Ladies Can't Remember...
5. Jan 03, 2002: Strange Attractors
Nick Is Ryan
3. Feb 27, 2002: Strange Attractors
My Ladies Can't Remember...
6. Nov 21, 2001: Strange Attractors
Where's the B?

Album Review
Reviewed 2001-09-02
Euphone - a Chicago ensemble employing guitar, sax, string bass, keyboards, and various organic and electronic drums to create groovy instrumental tracks. Sometimes it wants to sound like jazz-heavy post rock, ie Isotope 217; other times Prince without the vocals. Also calls to mind Trans Am, but still genreless enough to have broad appeal. Love this album more and more the longer I listen to it. -nari

1> Sounds like an 80s era dance track

2,5> These are both in the same vein - perky, quick tempo dances

*3> So very funky; you can't resist this bass line

4> 1:20 of the same looped idea.

*6> Saxophones, conga, drums, and upright bass come together for jazzy, mellow results.

7> Mellow, languid, lonely theme develops into fiesty ending.

*8> Lays some sonic textures over a heavy beat and funky bassline

9> Vibes carry the tune in this playful track

*10> Groovy, suspenseful theme snakes along to a slick conclusion

*11> Total dream sequence music - airy, ethereal. Ends abruptly.

*12> Best track on the album. Just a melancholy, jazzy little sketch. I see it all the time on Napster as the Euphone song ppl keep.

13> The echo-reverb decay at the end is beautiful.

Track Listing
1. Gyrations   8. Weekend
2. Presson   9. Shut It
3. Where's the B?   10. Nick Is Ryan
4. Newscast   11. Honey, I'll Be Home By...
5. Bad Ascending   12. My Ladies Can't Remember...
6. Do You Up   13. Confirmation of Suspicions
7. Oh You Ache   .