Various Artists / Freedom of the City 20
Album: Freedom of the City 20   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Apr 2002

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 21, 2002: Memory Select
WreWasHugDur 1 [excerpt]
2. May 17, 2002: Memory Select
Butber A

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Smith/Brand/Marshall Smibramar a
2. Smith/Brand/Marshall Smibramar B
3. Smith/Brand/Marshall Smibramar C
4. Weston/Edwards/Sanders Wesedsan a
5. Weston/Edwards/Sanders Wesedsan B
6. Weston/Edwards/Sanders Wesedsan C
7. Nicols/Kraabel/Hug Nickrahug a
8. Nicols/Kraabel/Hug Nickrahug B
9. Nicols/Kraabel/Hug Nickrahug C
10. Thomas, Pat Tho 1
11. Thomas, Pat Tho 2
12. Durrant/Hug/Wastell/Wren Wrewashugdur 1
13. Durrant/Hug/Wastell/Wren Wrewashugdur 2
14. Butcher, John/Steve Beresford Butber a
15. Butcher, John/Steve Beresford Butber B
16. Minton/Rutherford/Coxhill/Russ Minrustur
17. Minton/Rutherford/Coxhill/Russ Coxrut
18. Minton/Rutherford/Coxhill/Russ Coxminrusruttur