Various Artists / Sand From Water
Album: Sand From Water   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jul 2002
Label:Where Are My Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2002-08-19 Pull Date: 2002-10-21
Week Ending: Oct 13 Sep 29 Sep 15 Sep 8
Airplays: 1 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 09, 2002: Lick Something
After the Fight
4. Sep 04, 2002: Strange Attractors
Route Nordique
2. Sep 23, 2002: Come When I Whistle
The Middle of the Ride
5. Aug 30, 2002: Input/Output
Route Nordique
3. Sep 11, 2002: pressandrelease
Riviere Beauport, Differences Similaires
6. Aug 26, 2002: Come When I Whistle
Riviere Beauport

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2002-07-31
'lectronic remix album of a mellow rock band
1.plucked guitar over over-heavy buzz beat
+2.mellow beats then a nice drone
+3.reverbery drone, underwatery noises, no melody or drums. beats, some haunted house noises come in out of place
5.guitar intro, then slow bass & drum, more comes in. Speeds up at end. Sounds like a toss-off.
+6.high-pitched quiet echoey processed guitar & quiet drumkit, two minutes later some minor & augmented electric-piano(?) chords over still-muted beats
7.the gated noise beat makes me think "assisted breathing track"! plus shimmer
8.moody piano. reminiscent of radiohead minus the vocals & beats.
9.small high-register noises (good), then sped-up music (silly)
10.a little like a metal chain being dragged across the floor. some tonal pockets peep out.
11.normal guitar/drums/bass, indie instrumental
12.another straight-ahead instrumental, with some banjo.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Couch Floating Fleeting
2. Below the Sea Differences Similaires
3. Rothko Route Nordique
4. Galerie Stratique Gilles Kegle
5. Terminus B Le Temps Qui'il Faut a Una
6. YELLOW6 Riviere Beauport
7. Ativin The Middle of the Ride
8. Micro:Mega L'egalite Des Hommes Devant
9. One Speed Bike La Peur De La Difference
10. Tarentel Constante Degradation
11. Glider Un Couple Affreux
12. Glider After the Fight