Doris Henson / White Elephant
Album: White Elephant   Collection:General
Artist:Doris Henson   Added:Apr 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-05-03 Pull Date: 2004-07-05
Week Ending: Jul 4 May 30 May 23 May 16 May 9
Airplays: 1 2 2 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 01, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
The Power
4. May 27, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
The Power
2. Nov 10, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Saturday Night
5. May 27, 2004: Warmth on a Vinyl Record
3. Jul 02, 2004: Distraction-Limited
The Power
6. May 20, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Saturday Night

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2004-04-13
Doris Henson "White Elephant" - Some really nice indie rock from Kansas City, MO. Nice guitar layering and drums. Vocals are really good and have that very typical indie rock sound most of the time, but sometimes they do falsetto. The horns are a nice addition giving it a little something extra. This album kind of grows on you the more you hear it. Some moments of pop and sometimes it rocks out a little harder. Overall this is really nice. Recommended for anyone wanting good quality indie rock.
My Picks: 1, 3, 6
Katie P. 4/8/04

1) Slower plodding midtempo. Great lyrics, male vocals. Nice fuzzed out guitars with great horn accompaniments during the chorus.
2) Solid midtempo. Male falsetto vocals that sound a bit like David Byrne. This is cool and kooky. Continues into next track.
3) Continued from previous track. Falls into a solid midtempo. Light and happy. Ooo, horns come in. Nice!
4) Heavier guitars and bass. Again solid midtempo. Thins out a bit just before vocals come in. Nice solid rock.
5) Far off sounding vocals and what sounds like a melodica. Done in a nice 3/4 time. Soft and quiet. This is really pretty.
6) Starts with some electronic tones. In come the guitars and drums. With a faster midtempo feel to it. Builds for the chorus. Drones out for about 30 seconds.
7) Slow and crunching guitars. Builds to a midtempo and the horns come in. Pretty minimal during the verses.
8) Softer and laid back feeling. Slower midtempo with clean guitars. Then picks up and gets louder and heavier when vocals come in.
9) Solid midtempo and some good solid rock. Cool horns in there too. Lots of builds and falls in the epic-length track. Ends with 1 minute left.
10) Bonus track. Slow and quiet guitar strum. Only 1 minute long.

Track Listing
1. The Power   6. Nothing
2. Cows   7. Good Lookin' Situation
3. Saturday Night   8. General
4. No Lover   9. April to May
5. Babes   10. Bonus Track