Vargas Girls / Vargas Girls
Album: Vargas Girls   Collection:General 7"
Artist:Vargas Girls   Added:Apr 2004
Label:Reality Control Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-05-03 Pull Date: 2004-06-07
Week Ending: May 23 May 16 May 9
Airplays: 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. May 16, 2004: rust belt
4. May 06, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
2. May 14, 2004: Brownian Sports Sub
5. May 05, 2004: Brownian Release
3. May 12, 2004: Brownian Motion

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2004-04-29
Vargas Girls "Vargas Girls" - This came out in 1995 and it's quite cool. It's very lo-fi harsh guitars with pounding drums and vocals that are so distorted and dirty they are really hard to understand. These songs rock hard and are pretty fun. Definitely worth checking out.
My Picks: B1, B2
Katie P. 4/20/04

A1) Fades in with harsh guitars. Sets into an uptempo beat. Yelled vocals that are difficult to understand. Dirty garage sound.
A2) Starts with quiet guitar picking. This one is kind of cute. Deliberate midtempo with some nice play between the guitar and bass. Then in the middle it hits with an onslaught of guitar. Gets faster and harsher. Vocals come in yelling.

B1) Fades in with feedback. Cool tough guitar line. Lots of "woos" and "huhs." Vocals are really hard to understand. Nice.
B2) Nice pounding drums. Tones are a bit off kilter. Uptempo and harsh and then slows a bit at times.

Track Listing
1. Clue   3. Poker
2. 3 Cha's for Reese   4. Penelope