50 Foot Wave / 50 Foot Wave
Album: 50 Foot Wave   Collection:General
Artist:50 Foot Wave   Added:May 2004
Label:Throwing Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-08-02 Pull Date: 2004-10-03
Week Ending: Oct 3 Aug 29 Aug 22 Aug 15 Aug 8
Airplays: 1 2 4 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 20, 2017: Everything A to Z - Week 81
4. Sep 29, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Long Painting
2. May 03, 2006: Distraction-Limited
5. Aug 28, 2004: Under the Sheltering Sky
Long Painting
3. Aug 26, 2005: Distraction-Limited
6. Aug 27, 2004: Distraction-Limited

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2004-07-19
50 Foot Wave "50 Foot Wave" - This is some nice hard tough rock music with some good pop sensibilities. The trio consists of 2 members of Throwing Muses (Kristin Hersh and Bernard Georges). The music is definitely hard, pounding, tough, and a little on the angry side. Guitar is solid and the bass line is always nice and heavy. Drums keep the pounding beat with high energy and Kristin's vocals are rough and ragged. The songs are all pretty tough but still have some amount of catchy pop elements to them. All the songs are great and worth playing. If you like tough rock make sure you check this out.
My Picks: 1, 3, 5
Katie P. 7/19/04

1) Starts with guitar. Drums come in to a solid fast midtempo beat. Great guitar line. Tough and fun at the same time. Fun noisy guitar freakout at the end.
2) Uptempo and a little angry. Chorus is catchy and poppy sounding. Nice heavy bass in this one. Great high energy.
3) Harsh guitar and pounding drums. Uptempo, a real head-bobber. Slows a little bit at times and then returns to the harsh angry guitars. Nice!
4) A bit of a swampy feel to it. Fast midtempo for most of it, but has a couple sections that slow down. This has a nice groove to it.
5) Uptempo and pounding. Hard driving beat that is tough and angry.
6) Nice midtempo with a cool guitar line. Hard and tough. Great breakdown section near the end.

Track Listing
1. Bug   4. Glory Weed
2. Clara Bow   5. Lavender
3. Long Painting   6. Dog Days