Raking Bombs / You Are the Resliazjiax, Unlik
Album: You Are the Resliazjiax, Unlik   Collection:General
Artist:Raking Bombs   Added:Aug 2004
Label:<No Label Info>  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-12-12 Pull Date: 2005-02-13
Week Ending: Jan 16 Dec 19
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. May 18, 2024: Music Casserole
The Cipher Silo
3. Dec 17, 2004: Baptism of Solitude
The Cipher Silo
2. Jan 12, 2005: The Ox and the Hammer Show
Aqueduct Atlas
4. Dec 14, 2004: Civil Approximation
The Cipher Silo

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-12-12

Raking Bombs – You are the Resliazjiax, Unlike 01100110 (diy)
Angular, discordant, quickly changing, arty, rock. This is really hard to place, lots of unexpected turns. Some sounds from screamo but a lot more demented. The vocals go from singing, to speaking, to screaming quickly. Mars Volta/At the Drive In with more challenging music. Nonsensical lyrics like the Orchid.
**1. Begins simple enough with just the drummer and sounds. Then the guitar enters with a very no wave sound. Sounds keep getting piled on top and then all hell breaks loose with multiple singers singing/screaming over the top of each other.
2. After an odd noisy beginning the bass and drums have a nice converstation and then the track mellows and goth-y/death rock vocals show up. This track slinks around for a while and then goes through a whole bunch of changes. Loud, quiet (with guitar solo), straight pretty post-rock, back to quiet, with the last 30 or so seconds just noise and computer sounds.
**3. Arty post hardcore. Short and sweat.
4. Starts mellow with a straight forward math rock sound. Repeated guitar riff and tight drums and bass. Instrumental.
5. More repetitive but still spazzy if that makes any sense. The track turns into a repeated guitar riff halfway through and then ends with almost a minute of what sounds like TV.
6. Just too damn pretentious.
7. Ambient noise for the first 2 minutes then into their spazzy rock. A bit more lofi and raw. Ends with same ambient noise.
8. Repeated bass riff and quiet guitar with a little piano and quiet vocals for the first minute. Mellow dramatic. Less rock. Strange. Tom Waits on crack.
OK Stuff. -mph

Track Listing
1. The Cipher Silo   4. Bathroom Jazz
2. Aqueduct Atlas   5. Caravein Op-Hall
3. On the Camel   6. Hospitol
  7. Everything's a Motel