Nudge / Cached
Album: Cached   Collection:General
Artist:Nudge   Added:May 2005

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-10-30 Pull Date: 2006-01-01
Week Ending: Dec 4 Nov 27 Nov 20 Nov 13 Nov 6
Airplays: 1 1 2 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 07, 2016: does radio suck?
4. Nov 25, 2005: chapter 27.0: with guest dj chad woodford
Classic Mode
2. Jan 25, 2006: The Dub Space
5. Nov 18, 2005: Biff Bang Pow
3. Nov 30, 2005: Acid Jam
6. Nov 16, 2005: BubbaDubba

Album Review
Reviewed 2005-10-26
Nudge Cached
A Portland-based group. Their music is bit harder to define. Some electronica, some dub, some tribal or industrial touches, depending on the track. Most tracks are representations of a style rather than real music. Mostly instrumental.
1. Slow. Electronic and acoustic mixed together. Female vox.
2. Continuation of the previous track. An unperturbed monotonous electronic/synth environment.
3. Dub sensibility.
4. Fast, industrial. Midtrack, the beat stops and replaced by some statics, then the beat resumes.
5. Ritual drums with some mid-east sensibility and melodica. Somewhat New age.
6. Electronica with touches of dub.
7. Electronic sounds and bass, some female vox.
*8. Ambient/dub/Raggae.
9. Drones and other electronics. Begins quiet and becomes louder with a female vox joining in.

Track Listing
1. Classic Mode   6. Dee Deet
2. Standing on the Hot Sidewalk   7. Parade
3. Contact   8. Blon
4. My New Youth   9. No Come Back
5. Rove Yo   .