Various Artists / Diy Canons
Album: Diy Canons   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Sep 2005
Label:Pogus Productions  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-01-15 Pull Date: 2006-03-19 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 26 Feb 12 Jan 22
Airplays: 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 17, 2006: Cognitive Overload
Cat Canon
4. Feb 06, 2006: Stirling's Approximation
Cat Canon
2. Feb 25, 2006: On The Warpath
Cat Canon
5. Jan 19, 2006: Baptism of Solitude
Metrocard Canon
3. Feb 08, 2006: Brownian Motion
Entrei Pelo Canon
6. Jan 18, 2006: Brownian Motion
Twin Canon

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2006-02-17
Lots of strange (& sometimes funny) ambient, noise, experimental pieces.
(((((1)))) Funny & creepy loops/sound treatments of kitty-cats meowing & hissing.
((2)) Really disturbing, screaming & other manic voices. Could make for an insane sound bed.
(((3))) Minimal, vibration of notes from guitar, contra bass, French horn, et. al.
(((4))) Pretty, slightly dub, sounding clavichord repetition piece.
((((5)))) Nice set of ambient-ish sounds starting & stopping at different intervals.
(((6))) High pitched craziness.
(((7))) Fun, silly sample art madness with voice recognition programs.
((((8)))) Nice, mellow 70’s style computer electronics.
(((9))) Consistently rhythmic, low, bouncy, echoing sounds.
(((10))) Trippy sci-fi weird, short ambient piece.
((((11))) Short piece that sounds like it’s tweaking test tones.
(((12))) Brooding random guitar harmonics.
(((13))) Very minimal, sounds like musical saw or theremin.
((14)) Noisy painful feedback dominated gets semi-musical. Goes on WAAAY too long!
((((1)))) Slow, dark waves of enveloping ambience
((((2))) Blippy with each note’s space becoming closer & closer together.
(((((3))))) Moody, movie-like creepy strings. You know something big is going to happen.
((((4)))) Very nice & soundtrack-ish solo piano but drags on too long.
(((5))) Jazzy slowness wit bass clarinet but much too repetitive
((6)) Video game-y, ringtone hell! Would’ve liked it more if I hadn’t heard these tones 8 billion times already.
(((7))) Pretty interesting use of the NYC Metrocard turnstiles.
((8)) Weird mix of drones & pitches which move in & out of the mix.
((9)) Same as the last track only occasionally louder.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Kyoko Kobayashi Cat Canon
2. Bruno Riviaro Entrei Pelo Canon
3. Mike Swinchoski Canon No 1
4. Mike Swinchoski Transmissions
5. Mike Swinchoski Freeze Dried Canon
6. Mike Winter Filter Iv - P.I.X.L. Study No 1
7. Ross Craig Barbie's Phone Canon
8. Giuliano Lombardo Canon Pitagorici 00
9. Giuliano Lombardo 01
10. Giuliano Lombardo 02
11. Giuliano Lombardo 03
12. Giuliano Lombardo 04
13. Giuliano Lombardo 05
14. Simon Wickham Smith Kullankeltaiset Paivat (Larry-Ile)
15. Steven Miller Twin Canon
16. Steven Miller Pulse Canon
17. Masako Kubo Pizzicato Canon
18. Drew Krause Canon For Lp
19. George Zelenz Thermohaline
20. Stefan Tomic Ringtone Canon
21. Bo Bell Metrocard Canon
22. Philip Corner/Mike Winter Mens 5/4
23. Philip Corner/Mike Winter Mens 9/8