Celebration / Celebration
Album: Celebration   Collection:General
Artist:Celebration   Added:Jan 2006

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-12-31 Pull Date: 2007-03-04
Week Ending: Jan 21
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 29, 2007: At Your Local Dive
3. May 25, 2006: The Sad Men's Club
2. Jan 18, 2007: Fiction Romance
Lost Sould

Album Review
Elias (Dr Furious)
Reviewed 2006-12-23
Dark, gothy and synth-based. Dominated by pretentious reverby vocals guaranteed to annoy the crap out of you. Produced by TV on the Radio on 4AD Records. Play with Blonde Redhead, Von Iva, the Rapture, Love is All, the Vanishing, and Nick Cave (i guess...). Luckily there is enough pretention in this to make up for lack of content. IMHO... file under bullshit music.
Play: 11, 3, 2, 7, 6
1. A slur of rolling percussion, heavy organs, emoting vox and baritone sax.
2. Blonde Redhead-ish. Soft/slow intro. Overly melodramatic. Long-drawn vox. Now that's what I call emo.
3. Catchy but edgy synth lines with nicely produced percussion. Got that Nick Cave-like softness and bitterness in vox.
4. Guitar-driven. Dancy and a bit shoegazy. Kind like the Rapture.
5. Alternates between between fully blown guitar-based rock pieces and sparser more melodic synth-based parts.
6. Sparse and proggy with long drawn/sustained synths. I think I hear some Pink Floyd in this one.
7. Pretty keys and beautiful melodies. Too bad you can't escape from these annoying reverby vocals.
8. Playful percussion. Organs and squealing vox.
9. Noisy post-punky guitars rocking over synth drone and annoying vocals.
10. Drony. Dissonant. Lamenting.
11. Electroclashy. Drum machine beats with noodly melodic and emo-ish, Nick Cave-ish synths/organ.

Track Listing
1. War   7. Ancient Animals
2. Diamonds   8. Tonight
3. Holidays   9. New Skin
4. Foxes   10. Good Ship
5. China   11. Stars
6. Lost Sould   .