Na / Radio Sessions
Album: Radio Sessions   Collection:General
Artist:Na   Added:Jun 2006
Label:Sockets Cdr Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-01-14 Pull Date: 2007-03-18 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jan 28 Jan 21
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 16, 2007: Emphysema For Emphasis
I Love Lucy Sonarchy
4. Jan 19, 2007: Carrots & Sticks... But Mostly Sticks
I Love Lucy Sonarchy
2. Jan 27, 2007: Radio Experiment #4
Na Impro Pure
5. Dec 30, 2006: Carrots & Sticks... But Mostly Sticks
I Love Lucy Sonarchy
3. Jan 20, 2007: Cognitive Overload
I Love Lucy Sonarchy

Album Review
Mongolian Taco
Reviewed 2007-01-05
Performance noise/music that throws in the kitchen sink. Electric guitar noodles, strange percussion, recordings, computer tricks, and synth. For me, the reason to take a listen is the "singing". There are no words, it is out of tune, and sounds like he's trying to do an impression of a retarded person singing. NA are 3 Japanese ex-patriots living in Seattle. The songs were recorded live at other radio stations. FCC clean. Picks 9,6,8, 5 if you want something gentle.

1-(5:45) Kitchen sink. Cacophonous & for the adventurous.
2-(4:27) More coherent. Starts quiet Computer noises and steady wood block. guitar and chimes enter. Occasional recordings in japanese.
3-(3:25) Starts out with a synth rock beat. Soon, the music intentionally falls apart. "Singing".
4-(5:17) Kitchen sink. Some poorly played rock guitar and singing. -1:50 dies down. Sleight bells, faint guitar noodles, and ends with recordings of crickets and frogs.
5-(9:20) Relaxing elec. guitar with lots of open strings & harmonics. Buzzing, chimes, bells. slide whistle. Faint cell phone and video game noise at -5:50. Stays instr. and on the peaceful side.
*6-(4:54) Intro contains the radio station's call letters. Static and fuzz. Wailing and other vocal noises. altered recording of a cat? Midway fairly active drum work on cymbals and banging targets.
7-(3:40) Acoustic rock guitar. singing, drums. computer altered voice. Fast, and maintains "rock" beat throughout.
*8-(4:38) Demented. Fast, guitar, xylophone, faint singing. -2:40 slows down featuring pained wails.
Squeeze toys.
***9-(4:14) Inspired. Lame, teenagers-by-the-fire acoustic guitar and piano....and then the voice! Someone hasn't had their meds today...or put on their walking helmet. Builds to a climax with lots of drums.

Track Listing
1. Na Impro Pure   6. Na Impro Kaos
2. She Is Eclectic   7. Time Lewiston Morning Tribune
3. C   8. Na Graduated From Esl
4. All Out Rock   9. I Love Lucy Sonarchy
5. Red Square Air Play   .