Bruckmann, Kyle/Wrack / Intents And Purposes
Album: Intents And Purposes   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Bruckmann, Kyle/Wrack   Added:Nov 2006
Label:482 Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-11-19 Pull Date: 2007-01-21 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jan 21 Jan 14 Jan 7 Dec 17 Dec 3 Nov 26
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 19, 2007: Memory Select
Inasmuch As
4. Dec 15, 2006: Memory Select - guest Amy X. Neuburg
Further Ado
2. Jan 12, 2007: Memory Select
Further Ado
5. Dec 01, 2006: Memory Select: Greenlief/Leandre/Nicols
The System Cannot Withstand Close Scrutiny
3. Jan 04, 2007: Lines and Dots
Intents And Purposes
6. Nov 24, 2006: Memory Select
Inasmuch As

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2006-11-24
Classical/chamber-sounding "outside" jazz. Mostly playful, with heavy use of viola and oboe for a different sound. Composed pieces, mostly with an air of jazz freedom, adorned by lots of improv/free segments. Nice mix of playful out-jazz and serious stuff that's more classical-leaning.

1- Mid/fast with a quick marching theme. Perky, playful
2- Crazy midtempo theme, playful, with a PAUSE and then some fast/sparse improv
3- Awesome little groove with a Middle Eastern vibe during Bruckmann's solo; then some punchy jazz lines followed by skronkiness. (If you can't deal, then consider excerpting the first few minutes; it's fun stuff.)
4- Slow classical atmosphere: eerie, then softer. Last five minutes: midtempo jamming, strong steady rhythm over heavy horn chords
5- Disjoint and abrasive. Loud stomping intro with careening oboe solo. Awkward near- silence in the middle.
6- Serious, slow. Big dramatic theme comes in after a few quiet minutes.
7- Cartoony mid/fast bouncing. BIG FUN.

Track Listing
1. The System Cannot Withstand Close Scrutiny   5. Hot Bother
2. Slippery Disciplines   6. Despite All Evidence To The Contrary
3. Inasmuch As   7. Further Ado
4. Intents And Purposes   .