Palestine, Charlemagne / Tony Conrad / An Aural Symbiotic Mystery
Album: An Aural Symbiotic Mystery   Collection:General
Artist:Palestine, Charlemagne / Tony Conrad   Added:Jun 2007
Label:Sub Rosa  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-06-24 Pull Date: 2007-08-26 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Aug 26 Aug 19 Aug 12 Jul 22 Jul 15 Jul 8 Jul 1
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 21, 2009: Music Casserole
An Aural Symbiotic Mystery
4. Aug 18, 2007: Cognitive Overload
An Aural Symbiotic Mystery
2. Aug 09, 2008: Nag Champa DroneGasm
An Aural Symbiotic Mystery
5. Aug 11, 2007: Cognitive Overload
An Aural Symbiotic Mystery
3. Aug 23, 2007: Emphysema For Emphasis
An Aural Symbiotic Mystery
6. Jul 21, 2007: Cognitive Overload
An Aural Symbiotic Mystery

Album Review
Reviewed 2007-06-24
Absolutely beautiful minimalist piano, string drone, scratchy strings, and occasionally, lamenting bizarro vocals. Overall droney, sometimes noisy sometimes chill. Recorded live in 2005 in Brussels on “Luc Ferrari Day”, (day honoring the recently-deceased composer).

One track, a general guide below.

0: most minimal section. Starts about 7 seconds in, with a drone, then some talking, then scratchy violin that sounds like a muted trumpet, piano drone, gradually gets a little denser harmonically.
10:30 louder, more varied violin, quiets down again after a while but eerie harmonies.
*16:00 starts wigging out a little, twitches, grinding but pretty violin, distortion, getting noisier and generally absolutely fucking beautiful. in and out of consonance. so simple and droney ooh.
22:28 voice, almost throat singing, lament. sick, dissonant, beautiful, almost bad in a good way after a while.
26:00 voice tapers off, more grating distorted droney instrumental, alternating with calm.
35:57 organ or synth instead of piano. lament/intense/eerie/tense.
38:44 consonant again, piano, string sounds like muted trumpet.
*40:40 voice again, high, a little goofy. oof, dying chicken and screechy string. awesome. annoying as hell, great.
42:57 drone and similar vocals – the voice sounds similar to the distorted strings
*46:30 gradual fadeout/drone, one of my favorite endings ever i think, clapping.

Track Listing
  1. An Aural Symbiotic Mystery