Sun Ra / Media Dreams
Album: Media Dreams   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Sun Ra   Added:Jul 2007
Label:Art Yard  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-07-08 Pull Date: 2007-09-09 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Sep 9 Sep 2 Aug 26 Jul 29 Jul 22 Jul 15
Airplays: 1 2 1 2 2 6

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 07, 2019: Brownian Motion
4. Aug 03, 2017: Neural facilitation
2. Jan 31, 2018: Brownian Motion
Media Dreams
5. May 18, 2016: Brownian Motion
3. Jan 17, 2018: Brownian Motion
6. Sep 09, 2015: Brownian Motion
Media Dreams, Yera Of The Sun, Constellation

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2007-07-04
Live recordings, previously unreleased (or unavailable), of Sun Ra performing in Italy, winter 1977-78, perhaps the very most “twisted”, bizarre stuff ever done by Sun Ra (and that’s saying A LOT): heavy on the analog synth, incorporating primitive drum machines. Very much bordering on the experimental genre, experimental Moog But then the drums will enter, and trumpet playing that is like a quantum leap above even Miles Davis appear. It is the humble opinion of this reviewer that what you hold in your hand is the best thing Sun Ra ever did, and is a good substitute for psychedelic drugs.

All tracks amazing, bizarre (but don’t fear: tracks 5,6 veer back to earth, taking a more “jazz” approach, still, the best stuff you’ll ever hear)

1) some pretty dark synths, just a slow intro of sorts
2) THIS IS THE SHIT!!, “mall one-man-band” Wurlitzer sound, a peppy happy rhythm that your drunk uncle would find on the cheap organ in the basement, but over the rhythm you find Sun Ra playing the most bizarre anti melodies, then trumpet playing bursting in and out that makes Miles Davis seem clean and sober, play this track if it’s the last thing you ever do
3) freaky collage of sorts of synth tones, drums, bursts, some “calling planet earth” chants, ends with a kick ass drum solo
4) long, more mindful improvisation with lots of bizarre synth elements, amazing trumpets, a subtle drum machine
5) this has a “standard” jazz feel where all instruments take a solo, very different from rest, could pass for 60’s era, Coltrane stylings, primo sax playing
6) just beautiful slow mindful piano centered jazz, piano takes off into bizarro-land at times, like what would be playing live in a smokey bar, if that bar were in heaven

Track Listing
1. Saturn Research   4. Media Dreams
2. Constellation   5. Twigs At Twilight
3. Yera Of The Sun   6. An Unbeknowneth Love