Sean / Bike Messengers Arent As Cool As They Think They Are
Album: Bike Messengers Arent As Cool As They Think They Are   Collection:General
Artist:Sean   Added:Jul 2007
Label:Blackhouse Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-02-24 Pull Date: 2008-04-27 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Apr 27 Mar 9
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 21, 2008: Emphysema For Emphasis
Shave Your Gender Roles Away (For The Ladies)
2. Mar 03, 2008: Emphysema For Emphasis
Shave Your Gender Roles Away (For The Ladies)

Album Review
Reviewed 2008-03-23
"Bike Messengers Aren't As Cool As They Think They Are"

These tracks total 15 minutes. It may sound like a crisp guitar drum duo, but while Mike Peterson plays drums, Luke Laplante is tearing up and down a keyboard with guitar amplification. The keys give themselves away when too many chords are being played at once, which has a cool sound. All in all, the album is loud and fast with a classic metal sound. Beware misogynistic lyrics in track 3.
Hella Fast Tracks: 1,2,4,6

1) (2:28) Percussion focused track with screaming guitar licks for breaths.

2) (1:51) Fast track as the drummer eggs on the rhythmic guitar.

3) (2:01) Stupid chanting for the first minute (the only lyric is Slap-a-Hoe or Slacker-hole). The second minute is frantic ripping. There is a little Slap-a-Hoe soundbyte at the end.

4) (1:51) Guitar focused track with some nice bars in the middle.

5) (2:19) Slower track with a bit more head-bang, nice breakdowns.

6) (1:34) Distorted keyboard tears across the drums

7) (3:49) Free-form percussion with sound-effects from a keyboard.

Track Listing
1. Doom Diddy (Keyboard Bombs Not Food)   5. 867-530 Grind!
2. Shave Your Gender Roles Away (For The Ladies)   6. Sandy Mangina (Thanks For Pumping Our Gas In Oregon)
3. Pez On The Rez (Slapahoe Tripe)   7. Improv (Live On Kfjc Los Altos Hills Ca - April 8th 2006)
4. Straight Edge Until 21 (Because Of The Ladies)   .