Evangelista / Hello, Voyager
Album: Hello, Voyager   Collection:General
Artist:Evangelista   Added:Mar 2008
Label:Constellation Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-04-20 Pull Date: 2008-06-22
Week Ending: Jun 15 Jun 8 Jun 1 May 25 May 18 May 11 May 4 Apr 27
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Recent Airplay
1. Oct 15, 2021: Waste FM (rebroadcast from Dec 19, 2017)
Truth Is Dark Like Outer Space
4. Oct 23, 2008: A2Z
Lucky Lucky Luck
2. Dec 19, 2017: Waste FM
Truth Is Dark Like Outer Space
5. Jun 09, 2008: Emphysema For Emphasis
Smooth Jazz
3. May 03, 2016: does radio suck?
Winds Of St. Anne
6. Jun 04, 2008: nag champa orangeasm
Truth Is Dark Like Outer Space

Album Review
DJ Narwhal
Reviewed 2008-04-20
Evangelista –Hello, Voyager (Constellation Records)
Punky, bluesy noise rock mixed with a rainbow swirl of other stuff. I saw these guys live and they wrecked the mother. Emphasis on female vox (Carla Bozulich), which wanders between rock, jazz, insane moaning, happy pop, blues, etc. Angular guitar, sweet/menacing strings, organ, freaky noise (which is very well done…doesn’t saturate the mix and lets you hear the pieces), more. Very eclectic mix with some good moments. Picks: #6, 1, 8, 4, 5 FCC #8, 9
1) 4:06 - moody + badass. Bluesy, distorted, bare vox dominates. Some droning bass and scattered noises + percussion. Screeches of electric guitar. Intense…busy while minimalist.
2) 2:29 – loud, dissonant rock. militant beat. Random disconnected screams. Cool.
3) 3:27 –bluesy vox. Starts quiet. relatively straightforward. A little jazzy. Guitar squawk punctuation marks. Sly and cool.
4) 2:48 –quiet, sinister chamber string music. Pensive cello. Some viola + contrebasse + violins. Very pretty + dark.
5) 4:53 –delicate [pop?]. harmonium, gentle gitter picking + strums. strings swell here and there. nice.
6) 2:26 – RAD. Starts with quiet noise that slowly crescendos before BANG. Loud, upbeat, fast rock. Sci-fi punk. “Epic”(yeah, I hate that word too, but it is apt, so don’t hold it against me or the song, dig?). the balls are on the wall.
7) 6:28 -noise track. Lots of empty space between the monsters in the dark. bass guitar growling noise. Moaning/shrieking layered vox. Slightly terrifying.
8) 5:14 –depressing/cool pop meditation. Organ. Strings. FCC S*** @4:31
9) 12:31–kinda rad. Busy minimalist doom. starts with random percussive hits + lone trumpet. Seems random, but slowly takes form when a few wayward guitar strums enter. Sci-fi military shouting lyrics. Longgggg + manifesto-ish. Spooky shrillness. FCC F***ED (Fuck, I kinda liked this one…)

Track Listing
1. Winds Of St. Anne   6. Truth Is Dark Like Outer Space
2. Smooth Jazz   7. The Frozen Dress
3. Lucky Lucky Luck   8. Paper Kitten Claw
4. For The L'il Dudes   9. Hello, Voyager!
5. The Blue Room   .