Emeralds / What Happened
Album: What Happened   Collection:General
Artist:Emeralds   Added:Mar 2009
Label:No Fun Productions  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-04-12 Pull Date: 2009-06-14 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 14 Jun 7 May 31 May 24 May 17 May 10 May 3 Apr 26
Airplays: 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 29, 2016: Waste FM
Up In The Air
4. Jun 17, 2011: gilt
Disappearing Ink
2. Nov 05, 2016: Life Aquatic
Alive In The Sea Of Information
5. Jun 09, 2011: orangeasm
Damaged Kids
3. Aug 02, 2012: minimum entropy iii
Living Room
6. Nov 27, 2010: slowburners ii
Damaged Kids, Alive In The Sea Of Information

Album Review
Reviewed 2009-04-03
Emeralds- Spacy experimental beepy electronic sci fi planetarium/acquarium music. They excel at fluttering random sounds. For fans of rubbing your eyes a lot to see colors, staring at an eclipse, and brunches consisting of whippets. Its like telling an alien he has eight eyes when he in fact only has four, and you’re just fucked up. In top quality, fine emeralds are even more valuable than diamonds. For Radio legends. FCC Clean- Brick

1-(8:0) Airy, bubbly, soaring bed with a snake of crunchy sounds crawling across it & drone component
2-(14:56) Epic hologram journey. burbling low underwater sounds & random noises soundtrack string bits. Synth takes over & big fuzzy drone swell
3- (3:58) Subtle string start spacy swirly satellite sounds. Short.
4- (13:34) Trying to hang yourself in outer space but failing because there is no gravity and being happy because of it. Melancholy, sparse, reflective, dreamy.
5 (13:11) Lovely building thick space sounds with digeridoo like drone.

Track Listing
1. Alive In The Sea Of Information   4. Living Room
2. Damaged Kids   5. Disappearing Ink
3. Up In The Air   .