Acton / Atonal Progress
Album: Atonal Progress   Collection:General
Artist:Acton   Added:Nov 2009
Label:Slusaj Najglasnije!  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-06-20 Pull Date: 2010-08-22
Week Ending: Jul 11 Jul 4 Jun 27
Airplays: 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 10, 2010: lost and found
Tetragram Iii
3. Jun 30, 2010: Brownian Motion
Tetragram I
2. Jul 01, 2010: orangeasm
Tetragram Iii
4. Jun 26, 2010: Bloodstains Across Atherton: Pissing Into Drinks-Revenge On Assholes
Tetragram Vii

Album Review
Reviewed 2010-06-13
ACton / Atonal Progress
Instrumental prog-metal (at least I think it is, I'm not familiar with this type of music). Dissonant alternative-universe chord progressions with angular guitar soloing and moaning bass over simple plodding drums and chugging rhythm guitar. The sound is not so heavy as metal goes but the extended atonality makes it pretty ugly and overpowering. It feels improvised, I'm not sure how much of it is. The tracks are excerpts from one long piece; it's a similar sound throughout. --Mason
No FCCs.
1. Plodding 4/4 tempo.
2. Plodding 5/4 time.
3. Fast 4/4 tempo.
4. Back to plodding 4/4.
5. Back to fast 4/4.

Track Listing
1. Tetragram I   4. Tetragram Vii
2. Tetragram Iii   5. Tetragram Ix
3. Tetragram V   .