Various Artists / Abstract Distractions
Album: Abstract Distractions   Collection:General 10"
Artist:Various Artists   Added:May 2010

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-05-09 Pull Date: 2010-07-11
Week Ending: Jun 20 Jun 13
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 10, 2015: Everything A to Z Week 06
We Live In Sack
4. Jul 27, 2010: meltdown dance party
March Of Mudmen
2. Nov 18, 2010: abra's airwaves
Cape Verde
5. Jun 16, 2010: Brownian Values
March Of Mudmen
Library, Algiers, Cape Verde
6. Jun 10, 2010: The Value Machine
Cape Verde

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2010-05-09
45 RPM- both sides.


Distorted vocals, kinda lo-fi but poppy modern post-punky tunes. Kind of boring in places but overall not too bad.

((((1)))) Noisy, bassy thudding and semi-pop vocals and fairly catchy build up. Pretty cool sound.
(((2))) Mid-paced very 90’s “distro pop” with lots of bass & some breaks. Not too far from The Fall running through Sonic Youth, Superchunk & even a pop version of Unwound.
(((3))) Uppity with distort vocals and poppy chorus & big bass sound.
((((4)))) Fast, punky & jumpy. Gets right to the point.
(((5))) Stop-starts, lots of old Sonic Youth-y parts slathered in distortion and some tempo changes.

SIDE B – Talbot Tagora side

(((1))) Fast, clean punky with lightly distorted vocals.
((2)) So-so, early 90’s generic college rock, bassy, Sonic Youth-isms everywhere.
(3) Twanky, shitty 2 chord distorted rock. Ugh. Drags on forever.
(((4))) Uppity more punky, noisy & kinda rockin’. Vocals way off in the distance but manages to be fairly memorable.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Bipolar Bear Cape Verde
2. Bipolar Bear Algiers
3. Bipolar Bear Library
4. Bipolar Bear March Of Mudmen
5. Bipolar Bear Pixote
6. Talbot Tagora Internet Fixture
7. Talbot Tagora We Live In Sack
8. Talbot Tagora Black Diamond
9. Talbot Tagora The Weather Man