Saritah / Ancient Forward
Album: Ancient Forward   Collection:General
Artist:Saritah   Added:Apr 2011
Label:Time To Shine  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-09-11 Pull Date: 2011-11-13
Week Ending: Oct 30 Oct 9
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 24, 2011: ReAd mY liPs
2. Oct 05, 2011: Morning Glory
Time Will Come

Album Review
Savitri Glowe
Reviewed 2011-08-23
World Music with influences from reggae, R&B, and pop. Well thought out lyrics with a strong message for change and enlightenment in the world. Sweet female vocalist. Not necessarily a unique album but fun. I liked the whole thing but stared my favorites.

Review by Savitri


1. [0.43] short instrumental with airy flute.
2. *[5:05] direct lead in from song 1. Hand drums and synth cords, upbeat lyrics. A little poppy. Fun change up at 2.30 with added sitar and drums. 30 seconds of male chanting at end.
3. **[4.07] Upbeat, happy lyrics. A definite R&B feel with some reggae type beats and acoustic guitar. Simple percussion with female vocals. Spanish halfway through, switch to mariachi feel. UPBEAT.
4. [4:45] Upbeat lyrics and feel. Bright and sunny. 2 minutes in some rap/spoken male voice. Deep percussion.
5. [4:13] Reggae song. Steel synth beats, electro sounds. Male + female vocals, sung and rapped.
6. [6.27] Guitar and hand drums. More serious feel with some pop edge. A long song with detailed lyrics. Melody is slightly repetitive.
7. ***[3:36] Happy song! Great vocals, slower start but picks up at 1 minute. Very positive song.
8. [3:59] Slow start with electric guitar. Melodic. Message about changing one’s life and being positive. Picks up around 2 minutes.
9. [3:11] Discordant beats, dancey reggae feel. Pleading vocals and lyrics.
10. [4:18] Accordion start with synth beats. Upbeat positive lyrics. Melody is a little repetitive but it works well. Not much depth to sound, very light but solid percussion.
11. [5:56] Slow start, wait ‘til 10 seconds for sound. Synth piano and animal/forest sounds (frogs, crickets, grasshoppers). Slow melody. A little drone/dreamy sound. At 5 minutes song stops and spoken vocals with spiritual message. The last 30 seconds are dead sound (nothing is happening) so be prepared with next track.

Track Listing
1. Intro   7. Sunrise
2. Right Way Home   8. Tears Come Easy
3. Blessings   9. Do What Lifts
4. Most High   10. Our Future
5. Time Will Come   11. Stargazing
6. Serious Times   .