Cough Cool / Cough Cool
Album: Cough Cool   Collection:General
Artist:Cough Cool   Added:Apr 2011
Label:Debacle Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-02-25 Pull Date: 2012-04-28
Week Ending: Apr 22 Apr 15 Apr 8 Apr 1 Mar 25 Mar 18 Mar 11 Mar 4
Airplays: 3 1 4 4 5 6 5 6

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 26, 2017: Waste FM
4. Apr 23, 2013: Home Free
Some Kinda Hate
2. Jan 21, 2014: ltae night dryer
5. Jan 03, 2013: Top 100 Albums of 2012
3. Sep 14, 2013: Pinhas LIVE
And Nothing Happened
6. Apr 19, 2012: Synthesis

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2012-02-20
Fuck me is this ever good: Synth, guitar, swallowed fuzzed out vocals, half track and slowed in all the right places. Noisey but not. Scratches the same itch that 22 years ago only My Bloody Valentine could, only without drums and a girl on bass. A grungey element, a low fi element. Cant describe as words like “low fi” and “noisey” don’t do justice. Accessible in a weird way, as if Neutral Milk Hotel flipped their 2” reels and switched down from 30 ips to 15 ips (if you don’t understand suffice to say, whoa, pass the dust….)All tracks great.

1) (2:46) super cool downtempo, slowed beat and samples, dreamy, narco bliss
2) (2:52) like My Bloody Valentine heard on about 1200 mics of LSD through a big long tunnel
3) (3:33) starts with a noodle guitar melody with cool noises, then subliminal voices leaking through the cracks like toxic waste
4) (2:04) a slow damaged 80’s synth with a creepy vocalization splashing around
5) (3:36) a cool slow plod swirling with madness, bending and noisey in all the right places, backwards masking for all you jesus worshipers
6) (1:56) simple 3 chord guitar strum and swallowed fuzzed out vocs, singer songwriter from hell… hell of a lot of vicodin ingestion
7) (3:28) slowed grungey plod with vocs, sounds like what I imagine Cobain would hear in his head while maxing out on black tar, song ends with Kurt pulling the plug

Track Listing
1. And Nothing Happened   5. K
2. Congrats   6. Some Kinda Hate
3. Cum   7. Sucker
4. How To Kill A Human Being   .