Otro Mundo / Jellied
Album: Jellied   Collection:General
Artist:Otro Mundo   Added:Nov 2011
Label:Ascetic House  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-11-27 Pull Date: 2012-01-29
Week Ending: Jan 8 Dec 18 Dec 11
Airplays: 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 06, 2012: maximum entropy
3. Dec 14, 2011: Brownian Motion
All In Time
2. Dec 14, 2011: razor's edge
Midnight Oil Burner
4. Dec 07, 2011: Brownian Motion
Midnight Oil Burner

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2011-11-15
Arizona sun damaged weirdoes not afraid of layers, heavy echo, fuzz and distortion and at times running off the rails beats that tap into whatever vein My Bloody Valentine hit around the time they put out their first record. Buried male vocs, great guitar, desperate drum beats with solid bass. Good rockin, great trippin’, for the fuzzy noise pop/rock sect. (CD version of cassette tape)

1) (2:12) echoey vocals, rip roaring drums and feel with layers that totally smacks of when MBV were at their best, rockin!
2) (2:14) psychey mid paced head nodder, a Wooden Shijps stoney guitar hook with cool vocs and sick melody
3) (4:22) slower, heady, almost ballady-LOOK: the last ~60 secs flips the reels and it’s a trippy backwards mask
4) (2:24) noise pop, bright and fuzzy and buried with a chorus that sounds oh so MBV
5) (4:31) upbeat and echoey and trippy, driving punky elements, like the Meat Puppets crawled out of their practice space from 1981 and slammed them to the mat at Mad Gardens, completely drug friendly, turn on

Track Listing
1. All In Time   4. Jellied
2. Midnight Oil Burner   5. Fading
3. Heart Thrush   .