Psychedelic Mike / Flashing Back
Album: Flashing Back   Collection:General
Artist:Psychedelic Mike   Added:Jun 2024
Label:Wayne Manor Productions  

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 24, 2024: Everything
Ballad of the Hopeless Romantic
2. Jun 22, 2024: Everything
Train I Ride, Gray Haired Hippie

Album Review
Gil Howdler
Reviewed 2024-06-22
Dude frequents Saint James Gate Jams. Homemade songs and a couple covers - kind of safe harbor adult oriented lyrics which I am still taking in - expect an update to this review soon, but be sure to play and preview anything you plan to play off this because many songs may be offensive in theme or language. As of this writing I still need to make a complete list of specific Fcc violations....

Track Listing
1. MM Doggie   8. Cocaine Cowboy
2. Bicycle Mona   9. Carmen Song
3. Sheba the Big Dog   10. I Like Drugs
4. Gray Haired Hippie   11. Night Life
5. Hey Bobby   12. Ballad of the Hopeless Romantic
6. Janitors Strut   13. Train I Ride
7. I Love My Wife   14. Wishin'