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Thu Jan 12, 2012 2pm - 3pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Harlem Shakes Strictly Game Technicolor Health / Gigantic Music
Los Campesinos! By Your Hand
Hello Sadness / Arts & Crafts
Love Inks Wave Goodbye
E.S.P. / City Slang
M83 Disc 1: Midnight City
Hurry Up, We're Dreaming / Mute Records

Green Day Welcome to Paradise Dookie / Reprise Records (Modern)
Animal Collective Daily Routine
Merriweather Post Pavilion / Domino Recording Company
Heartless Bastards New Resolution Stairs and Elevators / Fat Possum Records

The New Pornographers Crash Years
Together / Matador Records
Neon Indian Era Extraña
Era Extraña / Static Tongues
Best Coast Our Deal
Crazy For You / Mexican Summer
Best Coast Goodbye
Crazy For You / Mexican Summer

Los Campesinos! My Year In Lists Hold On Now, Youngster / Arts & Crafts
The Beatles Hello Goodbye 1967-1970 (The Blue Album) / Capitol Records (Local)