Share Playlist:
Thu Jun 19, 2003 10am - noon 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Saul Williams The Pledge
Adbusters Live Without / Adbusters
Dj Spooky Interlude: Journey Into Soun
Adbusters Live Without / Adbusters
Dead Prez They Schools Dead Prez / Loud Records
El P Stepfather Factory Fantastic Damage / Def Jux
the Coup Radio 5 Million Ways to Kill a C.E.O / 75 Ark
Paris Bring It to Ya Outta My Life / Priority Records (Hiphop)
fog what-a-day-day 12" single / Ninja Tune
New Pornographers Testament to Youth in Verse
Electric Version / Matador Records
Deerhoof Panda Panda Panda
Apple-O / Kill Rock Stars
Stephen Malkmus & the Jinks Oyster
Pig Lib / Matador Records
David Cross My Wife's Crazy
Shut Up..(Censored for Radio a / Sub Pop Records