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Wed May 08, 2002 wed. 6-9am 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Black Wax Machine ( Track 3 Untitled /
Tortoise Djed Millions Now Living Will Never /
the American Analog Set We're Computerizing and We Know By Heart /
Howard Hello Dream Howard Hello /
Aranos, Mueller, Rosenau Plane Come So Lane Bleeding In Behind Pastel Screens /
Telegraph Melts Every Day A Sunrise, A Summer Every Year Ilium /
Steffen Basho-Junghans Waters - Part 1
Waters in Azure /
Rancho Diablo Three-Fingered Jack
I'll Follow Magenta Skys /
D. Matz The Ballad of John Edward Haley, the Senior Ballroom Session One /
the Microphones I'll not Contain You
Glow, the /
Ben Kunin Pastoral Suite 3 Acoustic Adventures /
Gira, M. / Matz, D. Lines What We Did /
Mirah Engine Heart Yoyo a Go Go 1999 /
Dianogah Wrapping the Lamb, Sir Millions of Brazilians /
Hella The D.Elkan Hold Your Horse Is /
Euphone Fanfare Lakewood, the /
Tetsu Inoue and Carl Stone %.Disk Pict.Soul /
Pan-American Places Names
River Made no Sound, the /
Kammerflimmer Kollektief Gras
Maander /
Cline, Nels Singers Harbor Child Instrumentals /
Low David and Jude Low / Vibracathedral Orchestra 7" /
Pinback Anti-Hu Penelope single /
Ativin Rub Out the Woods
Interiors /
Bees Are Black Stop/Start US Pop Life Vol. 14: Chicago-Midwest /
Rivulets Stead Rivulets /
Larsen Maya Rever /
Greg Davis Thirteen Eight B Arbor /
Chicago Underground Duo Noon Axis & Alignment /
Abilene Camellia US Pop Life Vol. 14: Chicago-Midwest /
Acoustic Guitar Trio Inclusive Acoustic Guitar Trio /