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Fri Dec 16, 2005 noon - 3pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Dhandhia, Sahil and Kevin Choo Music Therapy - / -
Greif, Yaron and Catherine Sun Breaking the Gamer Myth - / -
McPherson, Selwyn Lloyd, Matthew Tyler, and Renee Riley Homelessness in the Bay Area - / -
Hutchison, Andrew Hamming it Up on the Radio - / -
Reynard, Melanie The Entrepreneur: Sleepwalking on an Unprecedented Path - / -
Silver, Cara, Alexis Smith and Alex Esparza The Facebook--Is it Two-Faced? - / -
Jackson, Nicholas Enter Your Password - / -
Buki, Alison The Enduring Appeal of High-Heeled Shoes - / -
Lucena, Ann Survival of the Coolest? - / -
Auchter, Alex and Tim Mincey Solar Raycers - / -
Iron & the Albatross Old World PT.1
Iron & the Albatross / Independent
Warsaw Village Band Matthew
Uprooting / World Village
Warsaw Village Band Matthew
Uprooting / World Village
Ensemble Kereoni Alilo
Traditional Songs From Georgia / Arc Music Inc.
Charming Hostess Street Of Tubing
Punch / Rer Megacorp
Outrage L'ampleur Des Debats
Francophone Singles: November 2005 / Francophonie Diffusion