Ash Reiter / Marooned
Album: Marooned   Collection:General 7"
Artist:Ash Reiter   Added:Feb 2012
Label:20 Sided Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-05-26 Pull Date: 2012-07-29
Week Ending: Jul 8 Jul 1 Jun 10 Jun 3
Airplays: 1 1 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 24, 2024: Everything
Ishi, 2012
4. Jun 03, 2012: A Family Affair
Humming Bird
2. Jul 02, 2012: Bridal Moments
5. May 31, 2012: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles: A Work of Drama, etc, etc
3. Jun 25, 2012: meow after midnight
6. May 29, 2012: meow

Album Review
Hawkeye Joe
Reviewed 2012-05-18
1) "Ishi" - this is moody, languid mid-tempo rock & roll. Over-dubbed, but otherwise "no-fx" vocals. Kinda meanders. BTW, "Ishi" was the last known "wild" survivor of his tribe.
2)"Humming Bird" - less languid, but poppy in a good way, sort of. I
think this is what people walking around with portable music should listen to, if even for only one song. Her voice works well with this number, IMO.
"2012" - A Blondie-esque island-hopper ditty.why, just listening to it makes me crave some of that good rum from V.I. yeah, the Carribbean!...or the south Pacific! HxJx's pick-to-click!
Hawkeye Joe

Track Listing
1. Ishi   2. Humming Bird
  3. 2012