Punch Brothers / Who's Feeling Young Now?
Album: Who's Feeling Young Now?   Collection:Country
Artist:Punch Brothers   Added:Feb 2012
Label:Nonesuch Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-02-25 Pull Date: 2012-04-28 Charts: Country/Bluegrass
Week Ending: Apr 29 Apr 22 Apr 15 Apr 8 Apr 1 Mar 25 Mar 18 Mar 11
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 16, 2024: That; Not Bluegrass
Patchwork Girlfriend
4. Aug 21, 2024: Thats Not Bluegrass
Flippen (The Flip)
2. Sep 25, 2024: That; Not Bluegrass
Don't Get Married Without Me
5. Jul 17, 2024: That's not Bluegrass
Who's Feeling Young Now?
3. Sep 04, 2024: That's not Bluegrass
Patchwork Girlfriend
6. May 29, 2024: That's not Bluegrass
Patchwork Girlfriend

Album Review
Bruce Ross
Reviewed 2012-02-24
These five young string wizards
have done it again with stunning
progressive bluegrass. This CD has
alot more energy than thier first
two releases. All but 2 of the songs
were written by the whole group.
1*Up-mid with a strong sawing beat
3 Slow/Mid
5 Mid
6*Upbeat(I)with nice soloing
7*Mid bouncy rhythm
8 Mid talkin' about city girls
9 Really mellow, where's love?
10 Upbeat
12 Mid

Track Listing
1. Movement And Location   7. Patchwork Girlfriend
2. This Girl   8. Hundred Dollars
3. No Concern Of Yours   9. Soon Or Never
4. Who's Feeling Young Now?   10. New York City
5. Clara   11. Kid A
6. Flippen (The Flip)   12. Don't Get Married Without Me