Artichoke / Etchy Sketchy Skies
Album: Etchy Sketchy Skies   Collection:General
Artist:Artichoke   Added:Oct 2012

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-12-29 Pull Date: 2013-03-03
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Recent Airplay
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How Long 'til The Jesus Satan Reunion Tour?
2. May 25, 2014: Confucian Tattoos
The Ancient Flu
5. Mar 01, 2013: Time Traveler
The Market Of Farms
3. Mar 08, 2013: Time Traveler
How Long 'til The Jesus Satan Reunion Tour?
6. Feb 22, 2013: Time Traveler
How Long 'til The Jesus Satan Reunion Tour?

Album Review
Francis D
Reviewed 2012-12-21
“Etchy Sketchy Skies” Artichoke
Guitar-based, indie pop that’s a little on the nasally, nerdy side. Storytelling style that fits well with a band that’s best known for its concept albums. (Its most recent album was 2010’s “Bees.”) Timothy Sellers is the lead singer-songwriter and the band is based in L.A.’s Highland Park. On this album, Sellers decided to skip the concept approach and simply write a collection of indie rock-pop tunes about…whatever. This led to one of the most unusual collection of song titles ever published. A lot of the songs sound like the Beatles or other bands from the 1960s. While the CD is a bit uneven and some tunes sound alike, you will certainly find at least a few things you like.
— Francis

Recommended: 1, 12, 4, 8, 10, 13. No FCCs noted

1. (3:52) The Market of Farms — Song opens with a burst of sitar — then becomes an old-time rock-pop tune with lead vocals that sound like a bunch of bands out of the 1960s. ***
2. (2:27) The Ancient Flu — Up-tempo, punk-style number.
3. (2:05) Big Moon — Another throwback to the 1960s, with reverb-y vocals.
4. (5:26) How Long ‘til the Jesus Satan Reunion Tour? — Starts strummy with storytelling vocals. Clever lyrics about Jesus and Satan exchanging roles and forming a band that becomes bigger than the Beatles. Really!! ***
5. (2:45) Coffee and Pi: Daydream of a Mathematician — Up-tempo rock with Theremin.
6. (4:18) I’ve Got a Proposition for You — Similar feel to “Coffee and Pi,” only underscored by angular electric guitar.
7. (2:41) Don’t Worry about the Government — Simple song structure with surf beat and instrumentation.
8. (4:38) Etchy Sketchy Skies — Catchy, up-tempo indie rock. Sounds like Dylan at times, with a lot of words squeezed into some of the lines. ***
9. (2:12) We’re Goin’ Down the Tubes — Mid- to slow-tempo. Real Beatles feeling to this one. Brass in lead break.
10. (2:10) It’s So Easy Bein’ Me — Lighter, easily skipping pop melody. **
11. (3:09) Home to the Monzongranite Dunes — Instrumental. Big rock sound. Opens with feedback. Nice use of brass as well. Watch near false ending in the middle.
12. (4:30) Mr. and Mrs. Woobeewoo — Mid-tempo. Bouncy. Strummy. A David Byrne composition. Reminiscent of playful Kinks classics. ***
13. (3:52) Dr. Edmund Schulman and the Bristlecone Pine — Shimmering guitars and dreamy, storytelling vocals in a catchy tune. Big choruses. **
14. (5:07) 200,000 BC in L.A. — Standard rock melody — bird screeches over the last 23 seconds. Segues into last song.
15. (4:54) The Jesus and Satan Reunion Tour — Almost big band-sounding rock and roll that mixes guitar and brass well. Reprise of track 4.

Track Listing
1. The Market Of Farms   9. We're Goin' Down The Tubes
2. The Ancient Flu   10. It's So Easy Bein' Me
3. Big Moon   11. Home To The Monzongranite Dunes
4. How Long 'til The Jesus Satan Reunion Tour?   12. Mr. And Mrs. Woobeewoo
5. Coffee And Pi: Daydream Of A Mathematician   13. Dr. Edmund Schulman And The Bristlecone Pine
6. I've Got A Proposition For You   14. 200,000 Bc In L.A.
7. Don't Worry About The Government   15. The Jesus Satan Reunion Tour
8. Etchy Sketchy Skies   .