Chadbourne, Eugene And Warren Smith / Odd Time
Album: Odd Time   Collection:General
Artist:Chadbourne, Eugene And Warren Smith   Added:May 2013
Label:Engine Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-07-01 Pull Date: 2013-09-02
Week Ending: Sep 1 Aug 25 Jul 28 Jul 14
Airplays: 1 1 1 4

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 29, 2013: no way to say
The People With Too Much
4. Jul 13, 2013: No Way To Fry
New New War War
2. Aug 24, 2013: Music Casserole
Checkers Of Blood
5. Jul 11, 2013: no way to say
Checkers Of Blood
3. Jul 24, 2013: Brownian Motion
The People With Too Much
6. Jul 10, 2013: Meow After Midnight
Checkers Of Blood

Album Review
Reviewed 2013-06-24
Crazy Mr. Chadbourne is heard espousing his wacky social satire and witty political criticism on five of the nine quirky acoustic jazz tracks on this album. All others are instrumentals led by solo Banjo, accompanied by various drum or percussion.

This reviewer is still trying to hear the difference between his 12 string and other banjos.
He was known for an association with Camper Van Beethoven.
KZSU music has sent his work to Jazz at times, but more often to our General Collection.
FCC Clean
1. Vocal, Trap Drums 3:14
2. Vocal, Trap Drums. Minor Swing 5:44
3. Banjo with Vibes 9:04
*4. Vocal, short spoken intro, lyric regarding train on which weird stuff is happening 5:32
5. Banjo, Trap Drums 7:10
6. Banjo, Tympani 7:30
7. Banjo, Marimba and other percussion 8:35
8. Vocal. Banjo with with Percussion 8:40
9. Vocal. Up Tempo, Trap Drums 3:36

Track Listing
1. The People With Too Much   5. Xubitunt
2. New New War War   6. Water Song
3. Mourning Of The Praying Mantis   7. Odd Time For Two (Free Improv)
4. Checkers Of Blood   8. Put Me Back In The River
  9. Choppin' Down Weeds