Wiesner, Chance / Takin' A Chance On Love
Album: Takin' A Chance On Love   Collection:General
Artist:Wiesner, Chance   Added:Jun 2013
Label:Planetary Group  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-06-27 Pull Date: 2014-08-29
Week Ending: Jul 13
Airplays: 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 11, 2014: Time Traveler
2. Jul 10, 2014: The Sunset Life
Moon Rover

Album Review
Eme O
Reviewed 2014-06-24
Strummy Guitar Folk. Debut solo effort from the former singer/guitarist of Nodding Tree Remedies, recorded during three weeks in July 2013. From tdrco.org/chance_wiesner: ”Brimming with undercurrents of freak-folk strummables, washed out country twang, ocean current rainbow sing alongs, and a lighthearted, comedic earnestness...” (You should read the whole thing, it’s great.) 60s vibe, Lo-fi, effortfully charming. Guitar, Bass, M vox, F accompaniment. No FCCs. Faves: 9,10 ~eme o.

1. Malibu (3:34) Mid-slow chamber pop with island elements. About hanging out in Malibu and seeing stuff. Piano makes an appearance.

2. Wandering One (3:21) Mid-paced country-western lope.

3. Plastic Flower Factory (2:37) Mid-slow, surfy tune about working in a plastic flower factory and making surprisingly little for the job.

4. Critter Sister (3:14) Head-nodding tempo, steel guitar, wood percussion, bass, flute makes an appearance. Roy Orbison sound to the voice, at moments. Song about fleeting love.

5. Moon Rover (3:36) 60s folk vibe with a slight “Under the Boardwalk” feel to the chorus. Strummy guitar, tambourine. “Just wanna be closer to the space that I just wanna see. Just wanna see all the happy faces dancing with glee.” So, yeah, space travel.

6. Elegance Elephants (3:57) Johnny Cash vibe to the guitar, lyrics take you on a jaunt through the zoo where you see a hybrid girafephant.

7. Dressed As A Penguin (2:24) Mid-fast guitar, strange accent on the vocals (maybe French). “A soul sharper than diamonds, mind tricks dressed as a penguin.” I don’t know.

8. Messed It Up With My Little Honey (3:24) Mid-fast tune about love lost, punctuated by floaty “oohs” and clacking percussion.

9. A Stretch (2:39) Soft-grunge guitar, flute, comes close to rocking.

10. Mosquito Thirsty (5:07) Harmonica, mid-fast driving rhythm. Careening around town searching for a meal.

11. How’s The Dog (3:01) Mid slow, moody piano, creepy vox, flute. Exchanging pleasantries with a long-missed acquaintance (who is interrupting him on the way to commit a serial murder, just a theory).

Track Listing
1. Malibu   7. Dressed As A Penguin
2. Wandering One   8. Messed It Up With My Little Honey
3. Plastic Flower Factory   9. A Stretch
4. Critter Sister   10. Mosquito Thirsty
5. Moon Rover   11. How's The Dog
6. Elegance Elephants   .