Perfect Pussy / Say Yes To Love
Album: Say Yes To Love   Collection:General
Artist:Perfect Pussy   Added:Apr 2014
Label:Captured Tracks  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-04-04 Pull Date: 2014-06-06
Week Ending: Jun 8 Jun 1 May 25 May 18 May 11 May 4 Apr 27 Apr 20
Airplays: 2 5 2 4 5 4 7 3

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 11, 2021: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
Interference Fits, Vii
4. Dec 12, 2015: Narnia
Big Stars, Bells, Driver
2. Apr 16, 2016: does radio suck?
Interference Fits
5. Apr 02, 2015: A-philiac
Interference Fits, Big Stars
3. Apr 02, 2016: Life Aquatic
Interference Fits
6. Jan 01, 2015: Meow: The Best Of 2014

Album Review
DJ Muscat
Reviewed 2014-04-03
Poetic punk with a name that you'll love saying over the airwaves. The whole album sounds like it was recorded on a shitty four-track in a snowstorm but is all the more exhilarating because of it. Lead singer Meredith Graves' screamed, nearly spoken-word, vocals and introspective lyrics really set them apart from the rest of the pack. Unfortunately for such a short album there are a lot of FCCs (though they are hard to hear through the distortion). Highly recommended.
Favorite: 5. FCCs: 1, 4, 6, 7

Others: Ponytail, Sonic Youth, White Lung, Nu Sensae, Women (the band, not the gender)

1. (2:16) FCC "fuck". Frantic guitar, muffled vocals, absolutely exhilarating. Ends in an angry swirl of noise and yelled vox.
2. (1:42) *** Ecstatic energy with insanely catchy start and stop structure. Breaks down and rebuilds midway through. Ends with a few seconds of pulsing noise.
3. (2:20) *** A great guitar riff anchors this frantic mess. Subtle synth ornamentation adds depth to the production. Last 30 seconds are all ambient.
4. (2:08) FCC "fuck" Prominent bass. More of the excellent same. Finishes in a punishing, brow-beating stomp.
5. (3:31) ***** Slower, melodic pace to start. Great spoken-word style vocals. Drums go in and out. Midway through bursts into an unhinged flurry. Spine-tinglingly good. Last minute is tape-hiss ambient come-down.
6. (1:23) FCC "fuck" Chaotic with clever guitar work and those patented screamed vocals. Sounds like bashing your head into the wall
7. (5:04) FCC "fuck" Starts right off the bat in a loud flurry of noise. Insane snare fills. Last ~3:30 is quiet ambient hum so be wary of that. Slight electronic tones come in letting it transition into the next track.
8. (4:36) Off-kilter synth bloops and noise experimentation. Definitely the most experimental track on here. Vox start to make their way through the white noise blizzard. Last ~35 seconds are essentially silent.

Track Listing
1. Driver   5. Interference Fits
2. Bells   6. Dig
3. Big Stars   7. Advance Upon The Real
4. Work   8. Vii