Big Scary / Not Art
Album: Not Art   Collection:General
Artist:Big Scary   Added:Jul 2014

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-07-04 Pull Date: 2014-09-05
Week Ending: Sep 7 Aug 31 Aug 24 Aug 17 Aug 10 Aug 3 Jul 27 Jul 20
Airplays: 2 1 1 1 3 4 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 04, 2014: Amber Waves
Twin Rivers
4. Aug 22, 2014: Octagonal Banana
Belgian Blues
2. Sep 02, 2014: Eclectic Erudition
Hello, My Name Is
5. Aug 14, 2014: The Sunset Life
Luck Now
3. Aug 30, 2014: Music Casserole
Phil Collins
6. Aug 09, 2014: Box of Chocolates
Phil Collins

Album Review
Michael Longoria
Reviewed 2014-07-05
Big Scary / Not Art
Label: Pieater

“Not Art” Big Scary
An Australian musical duo formed in ’06, Big Scary has a very “garage rock”/experimental feel to them, especially with their sophomore album, “Not Art”. The album swings between heavy guitar and softer drone-y vibes with piano and heavy/slow percussion. The album has a very relaxing feel and leave me contemplating the universe and my place in it when the album concludes. Recommended tracks: 4, 6, 9

1. Hello, My Name Is: Comes in with dueling soft and heavy guitar for a good 1 ½ min. Male vocals accompany gradual guitar build-up throughout the song. Fade out after more soft/heavy swinging.
2. Luck Now: Atypical drum rhythm with slow piano. Synth reverb on top of more soft male vocals. Deep thought feels~
3. Harmony Sometimes: Relaxing piano with soothing background vocals. Female lead.
4. Belgian Blues: Heavier track with strong guitar/instrumentals. Transitions between loud med-fast chorus and slower verses. Mellow non-word vocals to lay the backdrop.
5. Phil Collins: Heavy bass drum to open up slow/soft male vocals. Strangely soothing.
6. Twin Rivers: Light piano and heavy bass drum open up to male vocals. Female vocals take chorus and merge with male through track. Song fades out with heavy emotions.
7. Invest: Soft male vocals on similar piano and drum beats. Chorus has a sound of desperation in it. Nice piano outro.
8. Lay Me Down: White noise fade-in. Very slow and dreary male vocals. More white noise fade-out.
9. Why Hip Hop Sucks in ’13: Intricate piano/percussion backdrop with larger female vocals. Feeling like I’m left walking through an abandoned garden or something.
10. Long Worry: Similar slow instrumentals with a more uplifting vibe. Mid-tempo male vocals all through.
11. Final Thoughts, With Tom and J: Quick piano intro into some louder (relatively) male vocals and female backup. Nice radio/elevator/beeping fade out of the album.

Track Listing
1. Hello, My Name Is   6. Twin Rivers
2. Luck Now   7. Invest
3. Harmony Sometimes   8. Lay Me Down
4. Belgian Blues   9. Why Hip Hop Sucks In '13
5. Phil Collins   10. Long Worry
  11. Final Thoughts, With Tom And Jo