Various Artists / Roots In The Shadows Of San Antonio
Album: | Roots In The Shadows Of San Antonio | Collection: | General | |
Artist: | Various Artists | Added: | Aug 2014 | |
Label: | A Rohi Records |
A-File Activity
Add Date: | 2015-07-17 | Pull Date: | 2015-09-18 |
Week Ending: | Sep 20 | Sep 13 |
Airplays: | 1 | 1 |
Recent Airplay
1. | Sep 17, 2015: | Clean Copper Radio
Straight And Narrow |
2. | Sep 11, 2015: | Dinner on Breakaway Bluff
Obsidian Punch |
Album Review
Randall Holmes
Reviewed 2015-07-15
Reviewed 2015-07-15
Roots in the Shadows of San Antonio
Album: Roots in the Shadows of San Antonio
Label: Artists are from various labels,
Album produced by Peterson Entertainment, LLC
No FCC detected.
Favorites: 1, 2, 7, 12, 13
This is a compilation featuring thirteen artists with “roots” in San Antonio and have been rocking Central Texas for over 25 years. Each band has its own sound and genre of music. Something for everyone!
Song by Artist: Info for you
1) (2:56) Straight and Narrow by Puppy Jet: Echoes of AC/DC with some Alice Cooper male vocals struggle, much as the lost eighties art of writing lyrics.
2) (2:56) Don’t Change the Way You Rock n Roll by Whiskey Ships: Organ tones are classic. Mellow harmonizing vocals. Walking bass straight rock. Call it Shoegaze. They call it Break Up Pop. Indie Rock. A little Beach Boys feel. Has same producer as Deathray Davies and Apples in Stereo.
3) (4:16) Criminal by The Please Help: Heavy “Salt and Pepper vocals”of Phillip Luna, who has apparently played in or with every band from San Antonio over the last 30 years, (try hard) to rock out on this, his independent project.
4) (3:35) Obsidian punch by Apache ’65: Squeeze box sounding organ with cool finger picking at the beginning. Good raspy quality to the vocals, maybe a little Tom Petty twang. One trick riff picking gets annoying and could be edited down to a two minute song. Dude, it’s just not that interesting for that long.
5) (3:09) The Surface of the Moon by I Ching Gatos: 70s funky feel. Synth intro. Voice reminds of Iggy Pop w/ Zappa humor. UFO a little. Deep Purple backups.
6) (2:19) Stingray by King Pelican: SURF ROCK fun!
7) (3:57) Upon Reaching the Sun by Man Eaters of Tsavo: Instrumental heavy speed rock metal. Old Metallica/Megadeth with crazy guitar solo.
8) (3:42) Lovers Hesitate by Douglas Miles Clarke: Ska punky funk like something Sublime. Maybe a little Ween humor. Cue the organ. Start distortion. Slide guitar makes it a little country. This song is rumored to have caused the disappearance and bass playing relapse of Portland’s Mayor.
9) (5:57) Like Clouds by Nat’l Parks: Picking intro easy buildup with simple tree lovingmusic congas. Guitar gently echoes and then weeps. Coldplay FX.
10) ( π ) Purple Martin Magistrate by Snowbyrd: 60s throwback to what is this? Make vocals. Indie folk. Interesting. Band sounds are reminiscent of some old Stones on Sticky Fingers (but NOT the singer).
11) (2:52) Down Down Down by Rosedale Highs: Singer does a bad job of trying to mimic many great singers and that makes it sound annoying. Mick Jagger he is not. Singsong chorus background. Tambourine.
12) (3:32) Sinking Feelings by Fear Snakeface: Cool voice. Indie folk rock clean strumming guitars. A lost nineties sitcom them song?
13) (3:00) Free by the Rails of Freeway Birds by Garrett T. Capps: Country. Lap steel slide guitar. Guitar picking. The singer sounds honest and gets better as it goes on. 
Album: Roots in the Shadows of San Antonio
Label: Artists are from various labels,
Album produced by Peterson Entertainment, LLC
No FCC detected.
Favorites: 1, 2, 7, 12, 13
This is a compilation featuring thirteen artists with “roots” in San Antonio and have been rocking Central Texas for over 25 years. Each band has its own sound and genre of music. Something for everyone!
Song by Artist: Info for you
1) (2:56) Straight and Narrow by Puppy Jet: Echoes of AC/DC with some Alice Cooper male vocals struggle, much as the lost eighties art of writing lyrics.
2) (2:56) Don’t Change the Way You Rock n Roll by Whiskey Ships: Organ tones are classic. Mellow harmonizing vocals. Walking bass straight rock. Call it Shoegaze. They call it Break Up Pop. Indie Rock. A little Beach Boys feel. Has same producer as Deathray Davies and Apples in Stereo.
3) (4:16) Criminal by The Please Help: Heavy “Salt and Pepper vocals”of Phillip Luna, who has apparently played in or with every band from San Antonio over the last 30 years, (try hard) to rock out on this, his independent project.
4) (3:35) Obsidian punch by Apache ’65: Squeeze box sounding organ with cool finger picking at the beginning. Good raspy quality to the vocals, maybe a little Tom Petty twang. One trick riff picking gets annoying and could be edited down to a two minute song. Dude, it’s just not that interesting for that long.
5) (3:09) The Surface of the Moon by I Ching Gatos: 70s funky feel. Synth intro. Voice reminds of Iggy Pop w/ Zappa humor. UFO a little. Deep Purple backups.
6) (2:19) Stingray by King Pelican: SURF ROCK fun!
7) (3:57) Upon Reaching the Sun by Man Eaters of Tsavo: Instrumental heavy speed rock metal. Old Metallica/Megadeth with crazy guitar solo.
8) (3:42) Lovers Hesitate by Douglas Miles Clarke: Ska punky funk like something Sublime. Maybe a little Ween humor. Cue the organ. Start distortion. Slide guitar makes it a little country. This song is rumored to have caused the disappearance and bass playing relapse of Portland’s Mayor.
9) (5:57) Like Clouds by Nat’l Parks: Picking intro easy buildup with simple tree lovingmusic congas. Guitar gently echoes and then weeps. Coldplay FX.
10) ( π ) Purple Martin Magistrate by Snowbyrd: 60s throwback to what is this? Make vocals. Indie folk. Interesting. Band sounds are reminiscent of some old Stones on Sticky Fingers (but NOT the singer).
11) (2:52) Down Down Down by Rosedale Highs: Singer does a bad job of trying to mimic many great singers and that makes it sound annoying. Mick Jagger he is not. Singsong chorus background. Tambourine.
12) (3:32) Sinking Feelings by Fear Snakeface: Cool voice. Indie folk rock clean strumming guitars. A lost nineties sitcom them song?
13) (3:00) Free by the Rails of Freeway Birds by Garrett T. Capps: Country. Lap steel slide guitar. Guitar picking. The singer sounds honest and gets better as it goes on. 
Track Listing