Bumps Inf / Man Vs. Machine
Album: Man Vs. Machine   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Bumps Inf   Added:Mar 2015
Label:God Over Money Llc  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2015-03-27 Pull Date: 2015-05-29 Charts: Hip-Hop
Week Ending: May 10 Apr 5
Airplays: 1 1

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Album Review
Reviewed 2015-03-22
Bumps Inf/Man vs. Machine

I love the concept of this album, Man V. Machine and although I wouldn't consider this to be Bumps best work I do appreciate his attempt to tackle this subject matter on a national scale. He carries the concept and the analogy of the 'machine" all the way through this album. I give Bumps sophomore release a "B-" with my favorite tracks being: 3, 4, 5, & 9. It continues with some of the themes introduced in his previous release, Pain in Paragraphs which, for fans of Bumps INF is a nice touch. No FCCs. Reviewed by Daniel of LJH.

1) 2:58 - Med tempo. Piano and synth bass played in different octaves carry this intro about the beginning of Bumps. Almost an 80's style synth- think Duran Duran-meets-Swizz Beatz. Basic drum kit, heavily truncated and muted.
2) 2:59 - Med/Slow. Choir-style-organ coupled with vocal samples and a variety of sounds you might hear in a dungeon lay the groundwork to this song. Contemplative and a little dark but fitting to the subject matter.
*3) 3:19 - Slow. Nice piano infused melody with jazzy drums, snares and crashes.
*4) 2:32 - Med/fast. 808s overlaid with bass guitar, and synths and laden with effects and sounds added in- you can tell whoever produced this beat had some fun with it. Miami hip-hop sound.
*5) 3:48 - Med. Truncated snares and hi-hats, vocal samples and drums. Love the chorus
6) 5:37 - Slow. Deep track. "Rolling" synths, repeating piano chords and hi-hat rolls carry the verse. Beat drops down to the synths for the chorus to add poignancy to the layered vocals and overall point of the song.
7) 3:41 - Med. A brighter sound is used to speak to women about their beauty and uniqueness and the danger of comparisons. Complete with strings and what might be a standing bass and a constant kick/snare combo carrying the chorus.
8) 3:06 - Dirty Electric guitar and toms, along with some "hey's" in the background carry the verses. Staple drums. Great guest vocal. Marching style snares and kicks are heard in the chorus, as well. The real #unashamed.
*9) 5:42 - Slow/Med tempo. Crazy chorus and love the guest appearances on this track. Strings, synths and marching band snare sounds and other machine (robotic)-type sounds make this a banger.
10) 2:56 - Slow. Muted drums and strings carry the vocals which have this echo effect that make it sound even more trippy, especially with the sine-effects that later appear in the composition. The song then breaks into the chorus and comes alive musically contrasting with the muted verse.
11) 3:41 - Slow. Nice sampled piano and electric guitar open the song and then the drums kick in; truncated and concise.
12) 5:38 - Med. Lightning samples roll into a slow and jazzy piano/drum led melody. A woodwind is added for effect (unsure of the instrument) and lays the bed that the message of this song lays on. Listen closely you can hear the bass doin it's thing, too.
13) 3:59 - Slow/Med. Piano infused, simple drums. Another reflective joint about the circumstances and people that have defined the artist. Definitions of family can differ.
14) 3:01 - Med/Slow. Heavy kicks snares and hi-hats. A steady synthed up piano carry this pun-filled jam. More of a battle-rap beat.

Track Listing
1. Meet The Man Intro   8. Forever Yours (Feat. J. Carter)
2. Prisoner   9. Run Boy (Feat. Gemstones & Bizzle)
3. Man Vs. Machine   10. Desperate Measures
4. Solo Island   11. Be Okay
5. Logo (Feat. Bizzle)   12. Still Here (Feat. Selah The Corner & Lavoisier)
6. All I Got (Feat. Social Club & Norman Michael)   13. Family
7. Beautiful (Feat. Bizzle)   14. #Barz Outro