Elian / Cutting Up The Sun
Album: Cutting Up The Sun   Collection:General
Artist:Elian   Added:Dec 2015
Label:Long Story Recording Company  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2016-01-10 Pull Date: 2016-03-15 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Mar 13 Feb 28 Feb 21 Feb 14 Feb 7 Jan 24 Jan 17
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 11, 2016: A Visit From Drum
4. Feb 10, 2016: MInimum Entropy
2. Feb 24, 2016: radio seven
5. Feb 03, 2016: subwoofer motion
3. Feb 18, 2016: radio seven
6. Jan 20, 2016: Minimum Entropy

Album Review
Dr. Information
Reviewed 2015-12-05

Cutting Up The Sun
Long Story Recording Company

Electronic experimentation leaning towards dark ambient but never too harsh or doom-y

*1. (3:41) Electronic frogs, deep bass, electronic insect screeches, incoming bat radar, shimmering alarm
*2. (10:09) Reverberating bass pulses, low level growling buzz grows in static and strength
**3. (5:16) Fuzz washes, warm bass pulses
*4. (2:56) Static fuzz runs up and down forms drone wall of whirring electronics that inches closer
***5. (4:39) Big repeating bass pulse, starry ringing, another loop comes in, electronic chatter, soothing long tones, gets interesting wobbles
*6. (3:10) Digital telephone non stop ring dissolves into static and feedback and fuzz pulses
*7. (1:17) Glitchy feedback fuzz
*8. (5:38) Ingoing outgoing directed static fuzz transmissions
9. (4:32) Buzz fuzz ringing, helicopter beats, intense

Track Listing
1. Totality   6. Transition Region
2. Cutting Up The Sun   7. Black Gody
3. Red   8. Corona
4. Visible Light   9. Reconnection
5. Gamma   .