Addario-Berry, Hannah / Scordatura
Album: Scordatura   Collection:Classical
Artist:Addario-Berry, Hannah   Added:Feb 2018
Label:Aerocade Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-02-23 Pull Date: 2018-04-27 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Apr 29 Apr 22 Apr 15 Apr 8 Apr 1 Mar 25 Mar 4 Feb 25
Airplays: 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 16, 2024: Mixed Up Class
Coons: Myth's daughter
4. Apr 28, 2018: Music Casserole
Miniatures, Book Three Koans
2. Sep 04, 2023: Mixed Up Class
Rose: Land's End
5. Apr 23, 2018: Mixed Up Class
Coons: Myth's daughter
3. Nov 10, 2022: Oh Messy Life
6. Apr 21, 2018: Old Fart at Play
Miniatures, Book Three Koans

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-02-11
Reviewed: 2018-02-11
Genre: Classical
FCCs: none
Review: fabulous set of solo cello pieces. The Sonata (tracks 1-3) was written 100 years
Ago. The other pieces are written by contemporary composers. What ties them all together
Is the scordatura technique, which requires the cellist to cover the instrument’s entire range from
the highest delicate tones to the strongest bass notes.
If You Like: Pablo Casals, David Darling, Sunny Yang, Anja Lechner
Sonata For Solo Cello, Opus 8
*1/ Allegro Maestoso Ma Appassionato (9:44) - heavy chords start> slow and hesitant>
segues into slow and melancholy> false stop> swells in tempo & intensity> soars to high
notes then drops to bass> crescendo stop
2/ Adagio (Con Grand Expressione) (12:58) - slow and steady, beautiful melody> fade>
false stop> slow & melancholy> false stop> slow high strokes like a placid river> heavy
strokes build in intensity & tempo> hesitant high notes> fluttering> false stop> midtempo
soaring strokes> hesitant high notes> false stop> heavy strokes slide into high notes & stop
*3/ Allegro Molte Vivace (12:01) - Heavy low notes segue into fast tempo, then slows with
stops & starts> false stop> notes climb higher and higher & segue into full frontal attack,
then mellows, then swings uptempo in a flurry of strokes> quick stop
4/ Miniatures, Book Three Koans (8:23) – lightning fast opening quickly slows to quiet almost
electronic sounding, then shifts into spoken word with accompaniment> shifts into heavy
chords interspersed with lightning strokes> slows to long drawn out strokes then builds to
midtempo> fade
*5/ Lands End (7:10) – heavy midtempo start> slows to slow & even like the sea> segues to
midtempo> segues to uptempo & slows again> slow & hesitant> fade
*6/ Ekpyrotic Layerings IV (3:43) – plucked, almost percussive notes to start> off-kilter
electronic sounding midtempo with chanted vocal accompaniment> quick stop
*7/ Sonaquifer (5:09) – uptempo start> sizzling run segues into midtempo with hard strokes>
quick stop
8/ Myth’s Daughter (11:28) – slow & quiet start with very high notes> slows into mellow with
spoken word vocal accompaniment interspersed by flurries of notes> slows further with
plucked notes> fade
*9/ Calor (5:55) – heavy plucked & stroked notes segues into uptempo with heavy strokes>
slows to slow tempo with alternate high & low stroked notes> swings into uptempo flurry & stops

Track Listing
1. Sonata For Cello Opus 8 - Allegro Maestoso Ma Appasionato   6. Ekpyrotic Layerings 4
2. Sonata For Cello Opus 8 - Adagio (Congrand Expressione)   7. Sonaquifer
3. Sonata For Cello Opus 8 - Allegro Molta Vivace   8. Myth's Daughter
4. Miniatures, Book Three Koans   9. Calor
5. Lands End   .