Living Fossil / Never Die!
Album: Never Die!   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Living Fossil   Added:Feb 2018

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-03-06 Pull Date: 2018-05-08 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: May 6 Apr 22 Apr 15 Apr 8 Apr 1 Mar 11
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 08, 2022: Music Casserole
4. Apr 21, 2018: Old Fart at Play
2. May 11, 2018: Traditions
5. Apr 12, 2018: Sound Landscapes
Baby Steps
3. May 05, 2018: Music Casserole
6. Apr 12, 2018: Old Fart at Play

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-03-03
Reviewed: 2018-03-03
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: Modern fusion. On the quieter, dreamier arrangements, there's a sense of listening to a band playing in the foreground of an expansive and especially luminescent display of the Northern Lights; on the brasher tracks, the deep groove evoke images of a warehouse, converted to a dance club in a dark area of town, a place packed with sweating bodies moving in unison to the wall-shaking bass/drum pulse, what you might call modernistic, atmospheric, guitar-drenched chamber funk. Guests add an occasional additional guitar or sax. All originals except #4 & 9
If You Like: Weather Report, Al Di Meola (electric), Wayne Shorter
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Macrophages (4:48) - electric guitar starts> slow jam swings to midtempo> slow sax solo swings wild> midtempo jam> quick fade
2/ Living Fossil (6:46) - slow & quiet start> slow jam> guitar solo> sax solo> slow jam> crescendo & fade
*3/ Never Die! (7:44) – guitar starts> slow jam> sax solo swings out> crescendo> shifts to slow jam> wild guitar solo> 2nd guitar solo> crescendo> shift to midtempo jam> fade
4/ Lorraine (6:52 – bass starts> slow jam> sax solo> drum solo> slow jam> fade
*5/ Satellite (8:06) – heavy drums start> heavy midtempo jam> sax solo> heavy abrasive jam> bass/drum duet> jam> quick stop
*6/ Baby Steps (5:43) – sax starts> slow jam> saxes duet swings to midtempo> crescendo end
7/ Listen to The Quiet Voice (5:58) – sax starts> slow jam> guitar solo> sax solo> fade
*8/ Meta Max (10:59) – sax starts> bass/guitar duet> guitar solo swings wild> sax solo goes mellow> slow jam> fade
9/ Lessforgettable 94:47) – sax starts> slow jam> fade

Track Listing
1. Macrophages   5. Satellite
2. Livingfossil   6. Baby Steps
3. Never Die!   7. Listen To The Quiet Voice
4. Lorraine   8. Meta Max
  9. Lessforgettable