Sf Jazz Collective / Live: Sf Jazz Center 2017
Album: Live: Sf Jazz Center 2017   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Sf Jazz Collective   Added:Apr 2018

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-04-29 Pull Date: 2018-07-01 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jul 1 May 27 May 13 May 6
Airplays: 1 2 3 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 18, 2021: No Cover, No Minimum: Monday Edition (rebroadcast from Jul 2, 2018)
(Disc 2) Bye-Ya
4. May 23, 2018: Goggles Optional
2. Jul 02, 2018: No Cover, No Minimum: Monday Edition
(Disc 2) Bye-Ya
5. May 22, 2018: laptop Radio
Una Muy Bonita, Venezuela Unida, Reflections, (Disc 1) Give The Drummer Some
3. Jun 29, 2018: the cacophony hour (demo)
Tidal Flow, (Disc 2) Bye-Ya
6. May 09, 2018: Goggles Optional
Tune For June

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-04-27
Reviewed: 2018-04-26
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: The current line-up of this stellar octet returns with a two-disc set, with the first a set of original compositions by individual band members, & the second dedicated to innovative arrangements of music penned by Thelonious Monk, Ornette Coleman, & Stevie Wonder arrangements, which manages to cover considerable territory with a compelling and creative blend of reverence and reinvention.
If You Like: Mingus Big Band, Christion McBride Big Band
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
1/ Give The Drummer Some (9:39) – horns start> uptempo ja slows to midtempo thenn swings back up> trumpet solo> uptempo jam> drum solo> jam> quick stop
2/ Venezuela Unida (9:26) – trombone start> slow jam swings to midtempo> piano/percussion duet> uptempo jam> false stop> new melody> slows to midtempo> crescendo & quick stop
*3/ Tidal Flow (7:18) – sax solo> slow jam swings to midtempo> sax solo> midtempo jam slows to slow tempo> slow fade
*4/ Tune For June (9:15) – piano starts> slow jam> trumpet solo> slow jam> sax solo builds in volume & intensity> slow jam> piano/vibes duet swings to midtempo> slow fade
5/ Off Kilter (8:19) – vibes start> midtempo jam> piano solo swings uptempo> trumpet solo swings to fast jam> trombone solo> false stop> horns start> uptempo jam> crescendo end
*6/ Perseverance (11:18) – horns start> midtempo jam> piano solo> midtempo jam> trumpet solo swings into off-kilter uptempo jam> rocking uptempo sax solo> uptempo jam> crescendo end
*7/ Soundless Odyssey (8:05) – drums start, slow & hesitating> slow jam> piano/bass duet> midtempo jam> slow jam> quick stop
8/ Living The Questions (7:03) – drums start> uptempo jam> vibes solo> uptempo jam> drum solo> midtempo jam> slow fade
*9/ Bye-Ya (4:42) – piano starts> uptempo jam> piano solo> trumpet solo> uptempo jam> drawn out crescendo end
*10/ Criss Cross (4:08) – drums start> uptempo swinging jam> piano solo> bass solo> uptempo jam> quick fade
11/ Reflections (5:48) – piano starts> midtempo jam slows to slow jam> vibes solo> trumpet solo> trumpet/vibes duet> slow jam> vibes solo> slow fade
12/ Una Muy Bonita (6:59) – vibes start> midtempo jam> sax solo> midtempo swinging jam> quick stop
*13/ School Work (9:16) – sax starts, swings into uptempo jam> fast sax solo> fast trumpet solo> uptempo jam> crescendo> melody shift> slow jam> piano solo swings into uptempo jam> cresecendo end
*14/ When Will The Blues Leave (5:35) – trumpet starts> fast jam> quick stop
*15/ Sir Duke (9:55) – drums start> uptempo jam> vibes solo slows to midtempo> vibes solo> trumpet solo swings back uptempo> sax solo> piano solo> uptempo jam> crescendo end & fade
16/ Creepin’ (8:42) – bass/piano start> slow jam> trumpet solo swings to midtempo jam> piano solo> midtempo jam> quick stop
*17/ Superstition (9:57) – horns start> uptempo & funky> uptempo jam> vibes solo> trombone solo> uptempo jam slows to midtempo> crescendo end

Track Listing
1. (Disc 1) Give The Drummer Some   9. (Disc 2) Bye-Ya
2. Venezuela Unida   10. Criss Cross
3. Tidal Flow   11. Reflections
4. Tune For June   12. Una Muy Bonita
5. Off Kilter   13. School Work
6. Perseverance   14. When Will The Blues Leave
7. Soundless Odyssey   15. Sir Duke
8. Living The Questions   16. Creepin'
  17. Superstition