Hollyday, Christopher & Telepathy / Dialogue
Album: Dialogue   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Hollyday, Christopher & Telepathy   Added:Jan 2020
Label:Mack Avenue  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2020-02-12 Pull Date: 2020-06-17 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Mar 8 Feb 23
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 08, 2021: Traditions (rebroadcast from Nov 5, 2021)
Kiss Me RIght
4. Mar 05, 2020: Old Fart At Play
Autumn in New York City
2. Nov 06, 2021: Music Casserole
Minor Pulsation
5. Feb 20, 2020: Old Fart At Play
One of Another Kind
3. Nov 05, 2021: Traditions
Kiss Me RIght

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2020-02-05
Reviewed: 2020—02-05
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: After a long hiatus, saxophonist Hollyday is back with another terrific set of straight-ahead jazz. The band is tight & muscular, performing originals & seldom heard unearthed gems
If You Like: Phil Woods, Lou Donaldson, Chris Potter, Dexter Gordon
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
**1/ Dialogue (6:20) – horns start> uptempo jam> sax solo> piano solo> drum solo> uptempo jam> slow fade
*2/ Text Tones (4:20) – drums/trumpet starts> uptempo jam> piano solo> trumpet solo> bass solo with drum fills> uptempo jam> quick stop
*3/ You Make Me Feel So Young (5:54) – piano starts> midtempo jam> sax solo> midtempo jam> trumpet solo swings uptempo> sax solo> piano solo> uptempo jam with drum fills> quick stop
**4/ Kiss Me Right (3:57) – piano starts> uptempo jam> piano solo> trumpet solo swings to fast tempo> sax solo> fast jam> crescendo end
5/ On The Trail (3:57) – piano starts> midtempo jam> sax solo> bass solo> piano solo> sax solo> midtempo jam> slow fade
6/ Paid Time Off (5:58) – horns start> uptempo jam> sax solo> trumpet solo> piano solo> uptempo jam> crescendo end
*7/ Pau De Arara (5:16) – drums start> fast tempo jam> trumpet solo> sax solo> bass solo> fast jam with drum fills> fast jam> crescendo end
**8/ Dedicated To You (3:26) – sax starts> slow tempo jam> sax solo> slow jam> slow fade
***9/ Minor Pulsation (4:22) – drums start> fast tempo jam> sizzling sax solo> trumpet solo> fast jam> drum solo> fast jam> quick stop

Track Listing
1. Dialogue   6. Paid Time Off
2. Text Tones   7. Pau De Arara
3. You Make Me Feel So Young   8. Dedicated to You
4. Kiss Me Right   9. Minor Pulsation
5. On the Trail   .