Murray, Kevin/ William Parkedave Sewelson/ Kaelen Ghandi / Live at the Bushwick Series
Album: Live at the Bushwick Series   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Murray, Kevin/ William Parkedave Sewelson/ Kaelen Ghandi   Added:Jan 2020

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2020-02-12 Pull Date: 2020-06-17 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Mar 8
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 05, 2020: Old Fart At Play
Improv #1

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2020-02-03
Reviewed: 2020—02-03
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: Four avant-garde jazz masters meet for an evening of constant improvisation, playing off each other and challenging each other to reach further outside the box. One extended track.
If You Like: Daavid S Ware, Roscoe Mitchell, Ornette Coleman
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
Lexington, Culturally Accessible, Biblically Faithful (38:39) – drums start> rocking uptempo off kilter jam> baritone sax solo> uptempo jam> tenor sax solo> ptempo jam> bass solo> midtempo jam slows to slow tempo> builds to midtempo> fade

Track Listing
1. Improv #1   .