Stereolab / Mars Audiac Quintet
Album: Mars Audiac Quintet   Collection:General
Artist:Stereolab   Added:Jul 1994
Label:Elektra Records (Local)  

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 15, 2024: On the Warpath
Transona Five
4. Nov 06, 2018: Magnetized Toner
Wow and Flutter
2. Feb 06, 2024: flins spins
Ping Pong
5. Jul 19, 2011: meow
International Colouring Contest
3. Feb 03, 2022: Stop Making Sense
Ping Pong
6. Nov 07, 2010: the seductardation
Ping Pong

Track Listing
1. Three-Dee Melodie   8. Nihilist Assault Group
2. Wow and Flutter   9. International Colouring Contest
3. Transona Five   10. The Stars Our Destination
4. Des Etoiles Electroniques   11. Transporte Sans Bouger
5. Ping Pong   12. L'enfer Des Formes
6. Anamorphose   13. Outer Accelerator
7. Three Longers Later   14. New Orthophony
  15. Fiery Yellow