Lunasa / Otherworld
Album: Otherworld   Collection:World
Artist:Lunasa   Added:Oct 1999
Label:Green Linnet  

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 17, 2009: St. Patrick's Day Explosion
Miller of Drohan
4. Mar 14, 2005: canuck goes totally whack on irish (and some cape breton) music in preparation f
The Floating Crowbar
2. Mar 10, 2009: I once was Canadian
The Floating Crowbar
5. Jan 09, 2004: Friday Session
January Snows
3. Feb 14, 2006: At the Cafe Bohemian
Dr. Gilbert

Track Listing
1. Goodbye Miss Goodavich   7. Autumn Child
2. The Floating Crowbar   8. Stolen Apples
3. Butlers of Glen Avenue   9. Taylor Bar, 4 Am
4. January Snows   10. Lafferty's
5. Miller of Drohan   11. O'carolan's Welcome
6. Dr. Gilbert   .