Various Artists / Ain't I'm a Dog!
Album: Ain't I'm a Dog!   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Aug 2000
Label:Columbia Records (College Radio)  

Recent Airplay
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2. Dec 14, 2023: down in the basement
Pointed Toes Shoes
5. Aug 26, 2022: Traditions
Hop, Skip and Jump
3. Nov 30, 2023: down in the basement
6. Oct 28, 2019: Emergency Crew
Hey Little Dreamboat, Goin' Down that Road, New Studio Blues

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Self, Ronnie Ain't I'm a Dog
2. Maphis, Joe & Larry Collins Hurricane
3. Perkins, Carl Where the Rio De Rosa Flows
4. Collins Kids, the Party
5. Robbins, Marty Tennessee Toddy
6. Lord, Bobby Everybody's Rockin' but Me
7. Horton, Johnny The Woman I Need
8. Fairburn, Werly I'm Jealous
9. Wray, Link New Studio Blues
10. Self, Ronnie You're So Right for Me
11. King, Sid & the Five Strings Sag, Drag and Fall
12. Hickey, Ersel Goin' Down that Road
13. Felts, Derrell It's a Great Big Day
14. Commonwealth Jones Who's Been Here?
15. Horton, Johnny Lover's Rock
16. Adams, Charlie Sugar Diet
17. Collins Kids, the Hop, Skip and Jump
18. Perkins, Carl Pointed Toes Shoes
19. Commonwealth Jones Do Do Do
20. Brown, Billy Flip Out
21. King, Sid & the Five Strings Purr, Kitty Purr
22. Johnson, Cliff Go Away Houndog
23. Maddox, Rose Hey Little Dreamboat
24. Wheeler, Onie Goin' Back to the City
25. Borwn, Billy Did We Have a Party