Various Artists / Cuban Hiphop Allstars
Album: Cuban Hiphop Allstars   Collection:Missing
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Sep 2001
Label:Triage International  

Album Review
Kareem Ghanem
Reviewed 2002-08-04
Cuban Hip-Hop? Indeed! All Cuban rappers (residing in Cuba). Most of these songs rely on old-school style bass sounds and lyrical arrangements. They sound refreshingly fresh, though, because they blend traditional Cuban instrumentation in the mix. All songs are sung in Spanish. Quick synopses:
3. variably pitched synthesizer in background. Jazzy-sounding bass beat.
4. rough sounding. Looped drums, recording, bass in background.
5. Cuban guitar, violins with modern electric horns. Kind of abrasive at points.
6. raps over a violin loop.
8. gravelly voice raps over heavy bass and horn sample.
12. very beautiful guitar sample. Probably the album’s best track.
13. probably sounds the least like hip-hop. Male, female vocals. Sounds like a fast latin music track.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Grupo Ache Iya Tribute to Elegua
2. Reyes De Las Calles El Mundo Va a Acabarse
3. Hermanos De Causa Tengo
4. Explosion Suprema Alerta
5. Alto Y Bajo Havana Side Underground
6. Bajo Mundo El Vagabundo
7. Anonimo Consejo Guapo Como Mandela
8. Cuarta Imagen La Muralla
9. Junior Clan Y Grandes Ligas Majaderia
10. Obsesion Nadie Sabe Quien Es Quien
11. Justicia Mezcla
12. 100% Original Amargas Meditaciones
13. Instinto Kirino Co Su Tres
14. Grupo Ache Iya Elegua Blessing