Various Artists / Mondo Soukous
Album: Mondo Soukous   Collection:World
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jan 2002
Label:Mondo Melodia  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 12, 2013: Coffeebreak

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2002-05-09
A popular music from the Congo that shares rhythms with Cuban rumba. Most of the songs here are from 1987-94. Melodic guitar at the forefront. Pleasant summer day relaxation music, has an effect like Highlife (though highlife is "more so"). 1. mid-tempo 2.a little more rockin', very produced 3.starts quiet & entirely synthed, when the guitar kicks in it's low in the mix. Restrained. 4.complex rhythm, midslow 5. OK, not outstanding 6. guy with a nice high voice, a bottle tapping and a guitar 7. too much production & synths for me 8. Borderline overproduced but I like the semi-chanting, male vox harmonies 9. I like this because the guitar is so close to highlife. Sounds like some accordian kicks in halfway. 10. horns in the intro and sprinkled around.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. System, Madilu Ya Jean
2. Mangwana, Sam Suzana
3. Olomide, Koffi Henriquet
4. Noel, Papa Malou
5. Franco & Tabu Ley Rouchereau Ngungi
6. Mapangala, Samba and Orchestra Muniache
7. Lubadika, Pablo Simba Malembe
8. Wemba, Papa Mukaji
9. Kekele Mbote Ya Pamba
10. Bel, Mbilia La Beaue D'une Femme