Spokane / Able Bodies
Album: Able Bodies   Collection:General
Artist:Spokane   Added:May 2002
Label:Secretly Canadian  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-02-24 Pull Date: 2003-04-28
Week Ending: Apr 20 Mar 23 Mar 16 Mar 9 Mar 2
Airplays: 2 3 2 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 05, 2003: the discovery channel - album week
full album
4. Apr 16, 2003: the discovery channel
New Day Close
2. Jun 20, 2003: The Weekend Effect
5. Mar 19, 2003: Fine Tuning Utopia
Able Bodies
3. Apr 16, 2003: Fine Tuning Utopia
On the Stair
6. Mar 17, 2003: the rust belt
Quiet Normal Life

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-02-26
hushed male vocals, haunting female backup vocals, and a sweeping but melancholy violin are the three main characters of this album. all tracks are slow, beautiful, and dramatic. my favorites are #3 and #7 but all tracks are pretty good.

1 - beautiful & tragic, setting the stage for the rest of the album
2 - stompy and heavy with kind of creepy vocals
3 - like swimming through molasses. and that violin just breaks my heart.
4 - a little more light-hearted & playful. definitely the "catchiest" track on here.
5 - the verses are neat: like a conversation between a boy and a girl, interrupted by the violin.
6 - sooo....slow....soo..sleepy...
7 - sweeping, soaring, pretty.

Track Listing
1. New Day Close   4. Grown
2. Quiet Normal Life   5. In Houses
3. On the Stair   6. Able Bodies
  7. The Made Bed